Forming Friendships

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It's been a month since they met eachother. Felix was pretty sure he's in love, but still in the stage of denial. He was taken out of his thoughts, when he felt his phone vibrate for a second in his pocket.

*you have one new message*

Hey lix, i was wondering if you wanna meet up with me and my friends, you can bring jeongin too :)
  read 10:34pm
                                 Hii, ill be there <33and i think  jeongin will come too, where are we meeting?
                                                   read 10:35pm

We will pick you up in like 20min.
❤️Liked by Yongbok

Felix jumped from his bed and ran to his closet to get ready, 20minutes wasn't enough at all.
Felix wanted to wear a skirt but he's afraid of judgement from hyunjins friends, 'what if hyunjin was embarrassed because of me?' he thought
He ended up picking black tight shorts, if they were only 1cm shorter they probably wouldn't cover his butt. He paired those with an oversized white t shirt tucked in and a black unzipped hoodie.
Immediately after getting ready he told jeongin that they were going out.


Felix was putting on his converse as he heard a car pull up in front of his house.

"where are you going boys?" asked their mother

"were just going out mom, I'll be back around 1am" felix answered

"oh you can come home whenever, just make sure innie is safe and home by midnight"

"ok mom, let's go they're waiting" jeongin said as he pulled me by the hand.


They entered the back seat.

"Heyyy" jeongin said, it could be considered as a yell "so where are we going?

"a bar that's nearby, we've never been there before so we'll see how it is" chris answered before stopping at a red light.

"but neither of us is 18 yet, do you think they'll let us in?" felix was genuinely curious about what they planned on doing.

After about 5 minutes of chatting they were here. During the 5 minutes felix hasn't said a word, his anxiety was getting worse every minute, meeting so many new people and going to a crowded bar wasn't a good idea. He never told anyone about his anxiety, only his parents knew.
Hyunjin noticed that felix wasn't speaking but he thought that the younger was just car sick.

Hyunjin went to open the car door for felix, Chris did the same for jeongin.

As felix stepped out hyunjin noticed that the blonde was visibly shaking and crouched down.

"Chan you and inne can go, we'll catch up in a bit" Hyunjin told Chris

"Hey um, is everything okay?"

"y-yea I'll be fine...i think" felix hesitantly answered

"i mean you don't have to go in if you're not feeling well, i can drive you home anytime"

Hyunjin offered felix a hand so he could stand up, as he did hyunjin pulled felix close and hugged him tightly despite of being scared of breaking his skinny body. The moment he was so close to him, felix felt reassured and stopped shaking. It was like he knew that nothing bad was going happenen when hyunjin was with him.

"i like your outfit" hyunjin said as they were walking towards the bar, he hadn't even noticed the tiny shorts felix was wearing until now. He felt like he was being teased by looking at the thin milky thighs.

Felix just blushed and kept walking.


Somehow  the boys managed to convince security to let them in apparently they knew someone who worked there. At first felix was overwhelmed by the pheromones and loud music in that bar but eventually he got used to it.

Felix met many new people, a tall quiet but funny Seungmin(beta) , short and strong Changbin(alpha) and really loud jisung (omega) with his boyfriend minho(beta) . They were all really fun and friendly, there were multiple times during their night that felix couldn't stop laughing because jisung was making incredible jokes.
And hyunjin couldn't stop looking at felix the way his face lit up while talking about something he liked, he was so beautiful when he smiled.


Jeongin already had to go back home so chan drove him. Felix still stayed at the bar with the rest of the guys.

"I'll be right back im just gonna go to the bathroom" felix said and walked to the bathroom.

When he was washing his hands someone opened the door to the bathroom. It was a man, probably alpha and about 30 years old. Felix was still standing above the sink fixing his hair when he felt a pair of rough hands around his waist.

"D-do you need anything?" felix was stunned, he didn't want to make the man angry so he tried to speak politely.

"i need you baby boy" the man spoke with a deep voice, it scared felix. He tried to pull away but the mans grip was too strong.

The man took off felix's hoodie, felix tried to stop him and run but he couldn't get away.

"what a pretty omega we have here, you smell so nice baby" the man was touching felix's butt and kissing his neck.

At this point felix was unable to move, his body was frozen. Tears threatening to fall every second.

All of a sudden the man got punched in the face. Hyunjin punched him.

"Hey! Someone come take care of this rapist!" he screamed and a few men entered, one of them was changbin. Changbin immediately understood what happened, so he took the fucker and made sure to break his arms so he couldn't touch anything ever again.

Felix POV

I just slid down the cold bathroom wall, still frozen from shock.
Hyunjin approached me and covered me with my hoodie. I couldn't hold back anymore, i started sobbing loudly.

"its alright now don't worry, im sorry i didn't come earlier.." hyunjin really looked sorry, i thought he was going to start crying as well.

From that moment, only thing i remember is waking up in hyunjins hands when he placed me on my bed. Then he covered me with a blanket and left my room.

I could only hear some speaking from downstairs, he was talking to my parents, and then he left.

I couldn't sleep that night.

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