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The week was over so me and hyunjin finally had some time for ourselves. We were cuddling on the couch together when i got an idea.

"hyunjinne, since we don't have any plans for the weekend, can we go on a date?" I asked him with puppy eyes.
The more i thought about our relationship, i realised that we never went or dates or got to know eachother properly, i didn't want us to miss out on it just because of my pregnancy.

"where do you want to go?" he asked as he sat me on his lap facing towards him.
I was clearly embarrassed to be sitting that way but i tried to ignore it.

"uh- maybe go to a fancy restaurant o-or we could go see a movie" I was trying to concentrate on my ideas but
Hyunjins sneaky hands were busy moving under my shirt.

I rubbed my crotch against his. I slid my hands behind his neck and leaned over to whisper in his ear.

"i can play this game too

I could feel him getting hard under me.

Next thing im laying on the couch and hyunjin is holding my wrists above my head.

Seems like the date will be tomorrow instead.


Tomorrow arrived and i was feeling confident, so i decided to wear a skirt in front of hyunjin for the first time.

The whole outfit was a cropped blazer with a matching skirt and a necktie. No wonder i didn't realise that i was pregnant earlier, my body looked almost the same as before, but the doctors said it might be because the baby is an omega.

After I've put on a little makeup i went to see if hyunjin was ready. I wasn't expecting to see him wearing a similar outfit to mine, his instead wasn't cropped and had pants.

"wow, Hyunjinnie we're matching!"
I ran to hug him, he didn't hug me back yet since he was busy putting his hair in a ponytail.

"looks like we're meant to be together" he said and kissed my forehead after he was done with his hair. "you look so beautiful Felix"


We were sitting at the restaurant table looking through the menu when i noticed the price. I forgot about the fact that im just a 17 year old student who can only afford instant noodles.

"hello, what can i get you today?" the waitress asked.

"can you get me the *insert expensive korean food* please?"

"of course and for you?"

"i-I'll just have a water" i didn't want to order something i wasn't able to pay for.

"okay, anything else?"

"yes actually, could you make the dish two?" hyunjin quickly said

"yes, coming right up" she said and left.

"Hyunjin, I'm sorry but i don't have enough money for it." i said and looked down from embarrassment, it was me who wanted to go here after all.

"don't worry about it baby, everything is on me today." He said and took a sip of his wine.

"but-" i wanted to decline since he already did so much for me, but i was interrupted by the waitress placing the food on our table.

"here's your food, enjoy"

"it would be a shame not to eat it since it's already here, wouldn't it?" hyunjin said as he fed me a bite with his chopsticks.

"mmh, it's so good!" i said happily. Hyunjin just smiled at me.


After the dinner we went on a walk in the town, everything was so romantic. The sun was slowly setting, some musicians were playing a song nearby and hyunjin was holding my hand.

Suddenly a single shop caught my eye.

"do you want to take a look inside?" hyunjin asked when he noticed what i was looking at.
It was a shop that sold things for babies.

"yeah, let's go in!" i was getting quite excited about the baby and i could see that hyunjin was too.

We walked around the store for a few minutes when hyunjin stopped.
" look at this, isn't it cute?"
He said as he held up a pair of tiny shoes.

"aww, its so tiny!" i squealed a little when i saw them.

When we finished looking around and were about to leave the store hyunjin turned around.
"give me a minute, I'll be right back."

"okay, ill wait outside for you" i said thinking that he was just going to use the bathroom, but to my surprise when he came back, he was holding a box.

"there you go" he said as he gave me the small box.

When i opened it i saw the exact same pair of tiny shoes we liked.

"jinnie i love you" i quickly went to hug him.

As we went in for a kiss, hear someone shouting.

"There he is!"
It was my father. Right beside him was my mother, she was trying to make him stop shouting but it didn't work.

"You left your own family to be with your boyfriend! Don't you feel embarrassed?!"
He's definitely been drinking.

"How do you know you're the father? That whore would've let all these guys fuck him!" He yelled as he pointed at the guys in the crowd that formed around us, most of them gave me a disgusted look and walked away.

Hyunjin knew i hated attention and immediately pulled me close as he exited the crowd.

"You kicked out your own son out on the streets during his hardest times! You're no father to him, i don't want to see you around us ever again." Hyunjin yelled back at him and we left.

I shed a few tears on our way home.

"im so sorry for ruining our date hyunjin..."

"no, no its not your fault and our date wasn't ruined, i liked it. Let's just forget about that incident and cheer up." he raised my chin with his hand and kissed me.


We both got changed into comfortable clothes, hyunjin made me tea, gave me a blanket and sat me down on the couch while he turned on our favourite movie.

"hyunjin, i don't deserve you" i said with hearts in my eyes as i cuddled him on the couch.

"don't say things like that, you deserve everything, i love you and meeting you is the best thing that happened to me"

If it was possible, I'd melt right then and there.


Authors note:
I hope you liked this chapter, it wouldn't be me if i didn't ruin every sweet moment lol. Get ready for what's coming next :')
Thanks for reading!

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