The Quest (Sophie POV)

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Sophie POV

Sophie stared hard at her imparter, hesitating who to call, with Keefe gone there was no one Sophie trusted enough to go on a mission to the forbidden cities based on a dream that may or may not be real. 

Seconds turned to minutes, and after what felt like hours she whispered out a single name.


After briefing him about her dream and their quest to find Keefe, Dex's face turned a pale chalky white. He was probably wondering why Sophie would risk all odds for Keefe after only a few days since he disappeared, when she wouldn't do the same for her other friends. But Dex knew this was Keefe, and he would do the same for Dex and Sophie.

So after what felt like hours to Sophie, Dex gave a quick nod. They were about to leave when Sophie realized she still had something to say. 

"You can't tell anyone about this, Dex. Except Squall, she'll have to come up with an excuse for your disappearance, and she has to tell the collective." Sophie paused, she knew she needed more help, the last time she and Dex were alone in the forbidden cities had ended up badly. 

She needed another person joining her on the quest...

Someone she could trust.

Someone who would understand what she was going through.

Someone who was reliable and powerful enough to protect all of them.

She needed...


Tam mightn't have been Keefe's best friend, but they were still close enough for Tam to protect Keefe and rescue him.

So Tam was definitely coming with them, but they still needed more people to come.

While Linh was powerful and talented, lately she had become distant. She had begun to hang out more with Marella and Maruca, and never really hung out alone with Sophie. On top of that, bringing both of the twins along wasn't a good idea. Tam had just come back from the Neverseen, bringing along his "good friend" Glimmer. Linh on the other hand, was repulsed with his friend choice, and couldn't bear to be in the same room with her. So whenever Linh and Tam were near each other, they always seemed to be quarreling and arguing with each other. 

So Linh was a definite no.

That left Biana, Fitz, Marella, and Maruca.

Maruca was too untrained and distant from the group, she had just manifested as a psiniopath and couldn't unlock the full potentials of her power. She wasn't fit for this job.

Marella was powerful and daring. She would love to go off into the forbidden cities. But her powers as a pyrokinetic could be dangerous in such a world. In the wrong hands, Marella's powers could destroy cities and towns. Marella would have to stay behind.

Fitz... He was perfect for this quest, their powerful minds were even stronger when the two Cognates were together. He knew his way around the forbidden cities, and even spoke a little English. But, at that moment Sophie and Fitz were a little awkward around each other.                The breakup had been horrible and messy, and they didn't even make eye contact anymore.    No Fitz for this quest.

That left Biana... Biana was powerful, skilled, experienced, and best of all, she didn't have any awkward relationships with anyone in the group! She was perfect for this quest. 

So after waiting for minutes to choose who her final member would be, she told Dex to repeat the news to Biana and Tam, and was ready to start packing.

Her eyes blurred with tears as she started to understand how real this was getting. She was off back to the Forbidden Cities, for who knew how long... Where were they going to stay? What if the Neverseen attacked while she was gone? Or worse, what if they found her in the Forbidden Cities? The dream didn't even give a proper address, just somewhere called Delphi's Strawberry Service in Long Island, New York.

That morning, Sophie packed harder than she had ever done before. Without even realizing it, it was nearly noon. So she walked down the staircase, hauling bags full of money, clothes, and the necessities for surviving in the human world. 

By the time she made her way down without tripping, lunch was served, Sophie dug in, thinking about how this was going to be her last meal in the Lost Cities for quite a while. But before she could take a bite, the doorbell rang.

Outside was a messenger, requesting the presence of Sophie at a hearing before the councillors immediately. Before Sophie could ask a single question, the messenger leaped away.

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