The Lost Cities (Percy POV)

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Percy POV

"Pack your bags, it is time for us to meet the councilors." With those words, the centaur trotted away.

Percy frowned at Annabeth, who turned to look at Keefe. 

"Hey umm, so do you know what Chiron meant? Also if you aren't a demigod, how did you find your way here?" Annabeth asked confusedly.

Keefe shook his head to the first question. What was up with this guy, he wouldn't say a word.

After a couple seconds he opened his mouth. "As he said, I'm an elf. I got a memory back, it showed this address, so I came here. There was a force field or something, but then Chiron found me and the force field disappeared. The councillors are the rulers of the elven world, I ran away from there because it's not safe for them to be around me. But I guess I'm going back..."

"You don't have to if you don't want to. You can always stay here until you control yourself or whatever. But I guess it would be nice to have someone to show us around, or actually take us to the elven world." Percy replied. He understood what it was like to feel the burden of endangering your friends and family. As a child of the Big Three, he always felt like he was endangering the people around him. But he had grown to realize that he had to take risks, and support the fact that together they could take the monsters down.

It was barely eight, and he had less than an hour to start packing his bag. Chiron hadn't even told him how long he was going to be staying in the elven world. But it was good to pack extra in case, anyway it wasn't like he ever packed anything for his quests. It was more about them fending off the land. So Percy packed one bag before heading to see what Annabeth and Keefe were up to.

In Cabin 6, Annabeth was sorting through the entire library. 

"You're bringing all those books,  Annabeth? We're only going to be there for a little while, not for a year!" Percy asked shocked, as Chiron said it would be a short visit.

"I'm just trying to search for any books about elves. I can't find anything about them, it's like there's no record of them anywhere. When I spoke to Keefe, he said that humans and elves used to coexist in harmony, until some incident, and then they swore secrecy from humans." Annabeth replied, staring intently at the bookshelf, without even a look to Percy. 

Not knowing what to say next, he left with a goodbye, and was off to find Keefe.

Percy found Keefe sitting on a bench near the strawberry fields watching a few of the campers race around, pelting each other with pinecones. His eyes had a sad twinkle, as if he was remembering the days before all this drama. The good old days where life had been so much more simple. Percy thought peacefully, no gods, no monsters, no titans, no madness. Those days he had been so blissfully ignorant, ignoring the signs laid out right in front of him. But it was too late now to keep ignoring, not when he was the sole solution to the problems of the world.

He chatted around with Keefe for a few minutes about what it was like to grow up in the elven world, and how it was different in the human world. Percy began to learn more about Keefe's life, about how it was so hard to please his parents. How when he realized he never could, he resorted to doing everything they wanted the exact opposite. How he felt when he first met Sophie, and how his life changed after that. A series of adventures, dangers, and almost dying. But within that, the freedom to change the world and the excitement of disobeying his parents. Percy learned that Keefe's own mother betrayed him by joining the Neverseen, the villains he had been fighting since the day he met them. 

Despite all the trauma he'd faced in the past, he still had a humorous twinkle in his eyes. Percy recognized it, it was the same twinkle he saw whenever he looked in the mirror. It was the mark of a troublemaker. 

By the time Keefe was done narrating his life story, it was time for Percy to tell his. 

He told him all about his life, how when he was only 12 years old, he realized what the purpose of his life really was. To protect the world, and do the bidding of the gods. But by doing that, he realized that the gods also had flaws just like him. How Percy chose helping demigods over becoming a god. The story of his life might be interesting, but it was also tough and drained Percy completely.

Percy felt connected to Keefe once he finished his story, they'd both gone through so many emotional events through their lives. 

Before he knew it, Annabeth was all packed and ready to go. 

Chiron came out minutes later, and brought out a large wand. It was covered in sparkles that gleamed in different colors depending on the sunlight. At the top of the wand, there was a bead making it look like a scepter. 

He handed it to Keefe, who flipped the stones embedded on it, to turn it to a single facet. Keefe drew a circle with it in the air, as if he had done it about a million times. The scepter left a glittering trace in the sky, and it was almost time to go.

Keefe grabbed Chiron's hand, who grabbed Annabeth's, connecting all of them together.

It was time to go to the elven world, time to face another adventure.

Who knew when they'd be back? It was all up to fate.

 But Percy knew, no matter what, the next few days would be quite interesting.

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