New Members of Team Foster-Keefe (Percy POV)

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Percy grimaced when Annabeth told him the prophecy, and he'd been on innumerable quests. Keefe and Sophie were taking it pretty well though, nodding along to their ideas.

Percy held Annabeth's hand in his own, while they walked back to their cabins to pack a few bags. Chiron had been notified about the quest and had permitted them to leave immediately after packing. 

Percy glanced at the cabin, it had been his home for countless years, and it would be for many more to come. He traced the edge of the fountain as he packed his bag. Just a few Camp Half-blood t-shirts and other clothing, a dagger, the watch Tyson made for him, and a few drachmas.

He hastily opened the door and walked back to the Dining Hall, where Sophie and Keefe were waiting for him. 

While it was traditional to have 3 members on a quest, this time there would be 4. Percy sat across from Keefe and Sophie, who were seated beside each other. I can't believe they're not dating, they're obviously both in love with each other. Were Annabeth and I that oblivious back then? Percy wondered to himself, blinking hard.

Sophie laid her head down on his shoulders and closed her eyes as if she was feeling sleepy. Keefe blushed a light red and stroked a hand through his messy hair.

Percy looked back and forth between the two of them, before raising his eyebrows at Keefe with a questioning look. 

Keefe immediately scooched to the side and threw Sophie off of him.

Percy gave Keefe a grin, his eyes saying, "Very subtle..."

Annabeth came after a couple of minutes, carrying her backpack as if it weighed a ton. What was it filled with? Books? Knowing Annabeth, it probably was...

"Alright, it's time to go. Are you guys all packed?" She asked, focusing on Sophie and Keefe closely. She then turned to Percy with a slight smirk and a twinkle in her eyes. It was a look rarely worn by Annabeth, but her meddling side was one of the things Percy loved about her most.

She winked at him and examined them thoroughly. As a demigod, learning to read people was a survival skill that they had used multiple times in the face of danger.

Based on Keefe's body language, he clearly was deeply in love with Sophie. Sophie, on the other hand, seemed to have similar feelings to Keefe as well, but they were clouded by her major obliviousness and what seemed to be a crush on someone else that had slowly faded over time. 

Percy grinned slyly, sharing a knowing look with Annabeth. It was their job to give the pair a slight nudge forward, so they could realize their true feelings for each other. 

"So, before we all leave, Annabeth and I have a few questions for you two. I mean, you only explained so much about the Lost Cities, and we'd like to learn more." Percy spoke, scooting towards Annabeth and taking her hand in his. He was so on Team Sokeefe.

"Umm, okay. That's reasonable, I guess." Sophie spoke softly, looking slightly uneasy.

"Sophie, you were brought up in the human world, right? Do you ever miss it?" Annabeth asked questioningly.

"Yeah, sometimes I guess. I mean I don't necessarily like how people are differentiated by social standards in life, but the whole matchmaking process and talentless thing in the Lost Cities aren't exactly perfect either. I mostly just miss my family and the creativity of the human world." Sophie replied.

"Alright, next question. Are you two single, or are you guys dating each other? Percy asked with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Their answer to this question could decide whether Sokeefe was meant to happen.

"What?!?! Noooooo! We're not dating. Why would we be dating? What?" Sophie shouted shocked. She was asking us the question, but it was as if she was questioning herself.

Keefe on the other hand spit out the water he'd chugged down his throat and looked at me with a confused and surprised expression. "Huh?? Wha-? Why would you think that?" They both stared at each other and blushed a rosy red, before turning to look at anything but themselves.

Percy was enjoying their reactions and watching closely as if it was a movie. He would kill to have some popcorn now... Oh my gods, what hopeless romantic fools. Annabeth and I were so not that oblivious. Wait... Were we? I better ask Grover the next time I see him. Percy thought to himself.

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