The Prophecy (Annabeth POV)

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Rachel was seated on a stool splattered with paint, she was gazing intensely at a canvas, hung up in front of her. 

The paint was still drying, and the details were so fine, it looked like an image. The painting was of a glittering red jewel, sparkling in the dark. But Annabeth was more worried about the shadow underneath it, it was shaped like an ordinary human, but the horns present on his head told otherwise.

 A finger lay in the distance, nearly invisible, but Annabeth's sharp eyes found it. The finger was pointing to the jewel, it was covered in long narrow scars, but instead of blood protruding from it, golden ichor flowed out. 

Annabeth gasped in shock, only gods had golden ichor. This meant that if this was their enemy, it would be a lot more difficult to fight it since it was immortal.

Right now, their only hope was to get a prophecy and to pray for a quest.

Rachel turned hastily, facing Annabeth. "It's happening again," was all Rachel could make out before her head fell backward, and her eyes slammed shut. Her eyes lost focus on Annabeth's face, staring into the distance. A mystical green vapor started swirling out from under her feet. Her eyes opened swiftly, glowing in the dimly lit room. The same vapor flowed out of her mouth as she began to speak in a raspy voice.

"From two different worlds, twelve shall unite.                                                                                                   To build a bridge, casting darkness and light.                                                                                                           The three keys, guide them along their way.                                                                                                         Only one power can keep him astray.                                                                                                                           The Ruthless Ruby, one eternal wish.                                                                                                                           Leaves the world in glory, or in rubbish.                                                                                                                       The four elements, can stop The Monster                                                                                                                 Or shall grant him an infinite power."

Rachel's head plopped back once again, making a cracking noise as she returned to her normal self. 

Annabeth blinked a couple of times, trying to process the information she'd just heard.

"So umm, I guess you're going on a quest again! Wow, there really is no break from adventure with you guys." Rachel said warily.

Annabeth nodded her head, staring into the distance. A cloudy look in her stormy gray eyes.

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