The Monster (Annabeth POV)

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Annabeth held onto her stomach as the queasy sensation slowly departed. She had thought lightleaping was bad, but it was nothing compared to the awful feeling of teleporting. Jumping off of a mountain and being thrown into a void, was certainly an interesting feeling.

Annabeth hurried to catch up with Sophie and Keefe, who apparently felt no sickness from nearly dying. Percy on the other hand, looked like he was about to vomit. 

They had appeared in a bedroom, larger than the cabins in Camp Half-Blood. Upon a dresser beside Sophie's canopy bed, was a small square object. The elves seemed to be interested in it, as Sophie picked it up and laid it facing up, in her hands. 

She spoke in hushed tones, "Show me Dex Dizznee." 

The object projected an image, showcasing a boy of their age with strawberry blonde hair, and a frown on his face. But it turned into a surprised grin that outlined his dimples as he looked at Keefe. "Keefe, you're back! How did Sophie find you? We were going to come to the Forbidden Cities to bring you back. Wait till the others hear about this, they've been so worried!" Keefe gave a sideways smirk, which he seemed to do a lot.

Dex's face turned to confusion as he saw Annabeth and Percy. "Who are they?" He voiced to Sophie and Keefe. "Wait, you're humans, aren't you? You don't have blue eyes." Dex questioned as he turned back to face us again.

"They're kind of humans, they're demigods. Children of Greek gods and humans." Sophie replied, and she began to tell our whole story. She ended with the thought that Dex could bring their other friends up to speed on the whole situation. 

But Sophie left the reason behind this unvoiced. They were about to return to the Forbidden Cities, to save the humans from what was going to happen.

Apparently, the fates had a lot left in store for Annabeth and Percy. Just when they thought they could have a peaceful life with no more quests. But deep in her heart, Annabeth knew that would never happen, not while they were demigods.

A plan started to form in her head, of why the Neverseen had left the Lost Cities.

It could've been to recruit humans, but humans weren't nearly as powerful as elves, having no powers or abilities. 

But there was another reason, a reason that could bring unlimited power into the hands of the Neverseen.

They could be there to team up with the monsters that had been terrorizing the lives of demigods for centuries. 

A thought Annabeth hadn't thought of in years, sprung up in her mind. Legend had it that there was a monster so devious it took the power of the strongest demigods, and the ancient gods combined to defeat. They were unable to kill it, so they chained it in a pit and cast it to sleep, only to be woken when met with the four bonds of life.

Annabeth grimaced at the thought of meeting such a creature, who teamed up with villains that her elven friends had been fighting for years.

She pulled Percy aside, he had to know the legend, a story told to young demigods, designed to scare them of the monsters out there in the world.

Annabeth whispered the legend in his ear, and his reaction was just like she predicted. His face turned a chalky white, and his lips quivered slightly. Percy bit his lip so hard, blood drew out. 

"It can't be true. It was supposed to just be a myth." He replied, confused.

"Seaweed Brain, literally our entire lives are myths. This has to be what the Neverseen are looking for. Annabeth said, rolling her eyes.

"But what are the four bonds of life? I've never heard of anything like that before?" Percy questioned.

"Didn't Chiron say they have something to do with the four elements of the world. When the four elements combine, the monster will awaken." I answered, everything started to piece together.

"Sophie and Keefe said that the elves have different abilities, what if there are abilities based on the elements? The Neverseen could be looking to recruit elves with the four abilities, to free the monster." Percy exclaimed loudly.

"Should we tell them about what we discovered?" I asked, on one hand they could help stop the monster from awaking, and stop the Neverseen from harming humans and demigods. But they would also find out about the secrets of the demigod world, and could use it against us.

"Tell us what?" Sophie asked, turning to glance at us, with her arms crossed. Keefe stood next to her, with his eyebrow raised.

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