Cabin 1 (Keefe POV)

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Keefe gazed up at the sky, watching the sun fall below the horizon. The water in the lake rippled in hues of blue and teal, glimmering before his eyes.

 If only he had his art supplies with him, so that he could savor this memory forever. Throughout his life, Keefe had seen multiple sunsets, but the ones at Camp Half-blood were certainly memorable. Especially, with Foster standing there, staring with awe at the lake.

Her hair was being gently blown back by the wind, and she tucked it behind both her eyes, blushing lightly.

In the moment, she seemed calm and relaxed. Not at all like the worried self she was like when something major happened. 

Her eyes turned to Keefe, and he looked upwards, pointing at the stars which were coming into view above them.

"The stars sure are beautiful tonight." He said with a slight smirk, taking a step towards Sophie.

She gazed up, and smiled. "Yeah, they remind me of the time we flew together on Silveny. Life was a lot simpler back then."

"You know who else is beautiful?" Keefe asked, trying to hide his grin.

"Who?" Sophie blushed scarlet, as if she knew what his response would be.

"Me." Keefe answered, laughing at Sophie's eyeroll.

They stepped away from the lake, turning to face the twelve cabins in the distance.

"Our last destination are the cabins, and that shall conclude our tour. Thank you for coming along. I hope you enjoyed your visit." Keefe spoke sarcastically, extending his hands out for dramatic effect.

Sophie grabbed his outstretched hand, and they walked back to the cabins, hand-in-hand.

When they reached Cabin 1, Keefe paused to let Sophie go in. "Ladies first, Foster."

The cabin was larger than any of the others, and was unoccupied. The walls were white with large columns in the front. The large bronze doors were covered in lightning bolts which sparkled brightly, and the room was designed to look like an ancient temple.

The inside was completely empty, except for a giant statue in the center, of what seemed to be, Zeus. It was nearly 10 feet tall, and his eyes glared ferociously at them, his gaze not averting no matter where they went.

Sophie stared at the statue, as if she was creeped out by it. Before moving to the one corner of the room, where Zeus couldn't stare at them.

Attached to the wall, were a few photographs of a young girl. She had jet black hair, and wore all black. In a photo, she was standing besides a younger Annabeth, maybe 7 or 8, who had a bright smile and the same stormy grey eyes. Yet she looked more like her age, not having to burden the stress that came with a demigod life.

Sophie glanced at the picture, fingering it softly, before turning away to face Keefe again.

"Wow, she looks so young. This is Zeus's cabin right. I remember reading stories about the Greek gods at school.

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