The Councillors (Sophie POV)

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Sophie looked at herself in the mirror. Remembering what her life was like before all of the Neverseen chaos. She stared at herself, in all those years in the elven world, Sophie had changed completely. She could barely recognize the strong, confident lady that stood before her. She had grown to appreciate the worst, and not to be frightened by anything. One day, she would win this battle...

Dressed in one of her new gowns, Sophie slipped in a few daggers and goblin throwing stars in her many pockets. She may still be the same clumsy person that she used to be, but she was fierce and powerful.

With one last look at her parents, Sophie lightleaped away to meet the councilors. She landed in front of the tall doors, and they immediately opened. 

The councillors were seated in the front, and near the side were a few people Sophie had never seen before.

As she walked closer, she realized it was the centaur she had seen in her dream. Sophie gasped at the sight of a horse-human. 

Beside the centaur were two teenagers around the same age as Sophie.

The boy was dressed in an orange t-shirt and jeans. The words Camp Half-Blood were written on the shirt, along with the silhouette of a flying horse, similar to an alicorn. The boy had jet black hair, with a single streak of grey hair through one side. He had bluish green eyes the color of the sea. Could he be an elf? But he's wearing human clothes. Adorned on his neck was a beaded necklace, with only 5 beads. Each bead showed a different painting, it reminded Sophie of the necklace Keefe had given her. Every single thought Sophie had, always led back to Keefe. When could she ever see him again?

The girl had dirty blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. She had a deep Californian tan, and was about the same height as the boy. Her eyes were a stormy grey, flashing thunderstorms at anyone who looked at her. Grey, so she's not an elf. Her eyes were a thousand miles away, concentrating on a million thoughts at once. She had a matching necklace, but it had around 10 beads instead. She was wearing the same shirt as the boy with a pair of shorts on. They both held hands, as if they were a new couple, but had known each other for their entire lives.

The two scooted away to reveal a sight that made Sophie's eyes fill up with tears.

Behind them was the one and only,

Lord Hunkyhair.

Keefe was there, I've found him, was all Sophie could think of. She raced up to him, and time seemed to slow down. She closed her eyes tight, and embraced him in a tight hug. She never wanted to let go of Keefe. Not again.

For the first time in weeks, Sophie felt like there was hope.

She let go of him, feeling embarrassed, it wasn't like they were dating or anything.

Sophie turned to face the other two teenagers who were looking around awkwardly.

"Hi I'm Sophie, who are you? Are you humans? How are you in the elven world." Sophie questioned the pair, confused how they had gotten here, and if they were also elves. I thought I was the only elf who didn't have blue eyes. 

"I'm Annabeth, and this is my boyfriend, Percy. We're not exactly humans, but we're not elves either. You know about Greek mythology, right? Well all of that's true, we're demigods. I'm a child of Athena, and Percy's the child of Poseidon." Annabeth said, smiling knowingly, like she'd gone through this introduction thousands of times.

At that moment, Councillor Emery cleared his throat before turning to smile at them. "Excuse me, we were about to decide the fate of these demigods. It's been a long time since we've had your kind here."

"What are you going to do with them? When are they going back?" Sophie questioned anxiously. Though she had just met them, she seemed to have been getting along great with them.  Just by looking at them, Sophie knew that they had gone through as many life threatening experiences as she had.

"Well they're going to accompany you on a quest. To the Forbidden Cities. They believe that the Neverseen are hiding there.

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