The Forbidden Cities (Sophie POV)

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Oh my gods! I can't believe it. The things we're facing, I can't even believe what I'm hearing. These are horrors I've never faced before. There's no way we we're a match for the villains.             A million thoughts zipped through Sophie's mind. The words that the demigods had uttered to Sophie, filled her mind with a new kind of horror. Annabeth and Percy were some of the bravest people she had ever known. If they were scared of the monster, Sophie knew that she wasn't strong enough to face it. 

But as she held the hands of her friends tightly, Sophie was filled with a warm feeling in her heart, a sensation growing brighter by the second. 

She was strong, brave, and smart. Together, they could defeat their enemies.

At that moment, Sophie knew what to do. She jumped off of the cliff, to the sounds of Annabeth and Percy trying and failing to mask their horror. The four jumped into the void, and were immediately teleported outside of Camp Half-Blood.

Surrounding the teenagers, were miles of greenery and nature. From the sounds of birds chirping, to the rustling of sticks and branches in the woods, Sophie felt at home.

She followed the demigods to a big arch with the words, "Delphi's Strawberry Service" written on it. Beside it was a large pine tree, with a golden fleece hanging upon it. A small dragon like animal circled around the tree, growling at Sophie, causing her to flinch with horror. 

Keefe on the other hand, smirked at it, and his eyes lit up. The same look Sophie had seen multiple times, whenever he had a master plan that usually ended with someone falling for one of his pranks.

Sophie rolled her eyes at him, before continuing to follow the demigods who were headed underneath the arch, which apparently led them to camp. 

As she tried to walk forward, Sophie immediately got thrown backwards by an invisible force field. Did psiniopaths make these?  

Luckily Keefe caught her before she nearly injured herself yet again.

"You alright, Foster?" Keefe asked smirking. "Try to save the almost dying for when we're fighting the Neverseen again." His grin slowly faded, and Sophie knew what he was thinking of. 

He was probably recalling the memories of their last battle with the Neverseen, and what his mother had done to him. His wistful expression matched Sophie's, who was faced with a flashback of the traumatic events that had occurred not so long ago.

"Guys, hurry up." Percy called to them from inside the barrier. He snapped his fingers, and the invisible force field flickered into view, before disappearing once again with a spark of electricity.

Keefe approached the barrier, and walked right through it, without being thrown back.

Sophie groaned in irritation. Why can't I ever not be clumsy. I'm always the one who gets injured doing nothing. 

She walked in, and sighed in awe. Twelve cabins were sorted in rows, forming a square around a campfire. Surrounded by the cabins were tons of luscious trees and woods. 

Half-bloods were all over Camp, practicing archery, sword-fighting, learning about monsters, and other activities. 

While Percy volunteered to ask Chiron about the quest to defeat the monster, Annabeth decided to meet Rachel, the Oracle. She was hoping they'd be granted a prophecy to give the teenagers the help they very much needed.

Sophie and Keefe were left alone, finally... 

Wait, what am I thinking. Ugh, will they come back soon? This is so awkward. Sophie blushed embarrassedly.

Keefe smirked back at her. "So, Foster,  should I give you a tour around this place?"

"Umm, sure, why not." She answered back. What's wrong with me? Why am I acting so weirdly? It's just Keefe, I've  never acted this strange around him before. It's not like I like him or anything... 


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