The Dream (Sophie POV)

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Sophie POV

I don't own any of these characters, they all belong to Shannon Messenger, and Rick Riordan. Also, I wrote this crossover as just something fun to do in my free time, I never meant to publish it. Please ignore any grammatical and spelling errors, as I don't have anyone to help me recheck the chapters. I'll post a new chapter almost every one or two weeks, but the schedule isn't set in stone. This crossover also takes place right after Unlocked and The Last Olympian. Also, I'm a Sokeefe shipper, so Fitzphie shippers, be warned.

Tears blurred her bloodstained eyes. A single droplet slowly dripped down her cheek, landing on his letter. She could barely think straight with all of those emotions going around. Partly sadness, because one of her closest friends had just left her without even saying goodbye, leaving only a letter and disappearing off into the world. Partly anger too, because she knew that he would never be found if he didn't want to be found. But deep down, a small part of Sophie thought that Keefe had a point, but that part was hidden away by all the emotions she couldn't comprehend. She sat on her bed for hours, staring at the letter in her hand. If only she had someone to help comprehend them, if only she had Keefe...

Her friends came to visit her many times, coming and going throughout the day, but now that they were all gone, she was alone again. Keefe never left her alone, he knew when she needed a friend, and was always there for her. But now, they were cast apart, by his hopes of keeping everyone safe. Sophie knew that he was doing a great thing, but she couldn't bare the thought of never seeing him again. Clueless about the fact that fate would play a significant role in bringing them back together again.

That night, Sophie lay on her bed, gazing up at the ceiling, before she decided she had a better idea. She grabbed her blankets and pillows, and hurriedly descended the glass staircase. Realizing only a couple of seconds later, she shouldn't have brought that much stuff in one go, Sophie thought, rubbing her back in pain, which had not been spared mercy from her clumsiness. But she headed downstairs anyways and placed the blankets down in front of the Panakes Tree.

She finally felt calm and soothed, for the first time in days. She thought of all of her memories with Keefe, using it as a gentle reminder that she would find him to the ends of the world. Silveny transmitted memories of them flying across the world together, and Sophie hugged Wynn and Luna tight, deep in her memories. The memories changed, and she saw Keefe flying across the sky with her, headed to the Black Swan's cave. As if Silveny picked up, that Keefe was gone, she started playing the memories she had of him. She started the chant that Sophie had heard far too many times in all their years together, "KEEFE! KEEFE! KEEFE!" It repeated quite a few times, but instead of it feeling like a distraction. It was the courage and hope she lacked at that moment, willing her to continue on this endless journey. But not now, for now, it was time to sleep, Sophie commanded herself, and she did, falling asleep for the first time in days. 

That night, a man appeared in her dreams. Sophie had never seen him before and wondered who he was. His wild and wavy hair went down to his shoulders. But other than that, he looked like a wise, old man. He had a patient smile like he had dealt with children misbehaving for far too long. His dark brown eyes told a different story from his smile, they had a twinkle, like he knew too much about your future for your own good. As if, he had witnessed hundreds of people go down the same path you did, and felt helpless. But the lower half of him was even more confusing, he was part horse from the waist down, like in Greek mythology. He was a centaur!

His smile faded when he saw Sophie, his eyes glimmered in disbelief for just a moment, before they switched to a feeling of wary. "Sophie Elizabeth Foster, you do not know who I am, but you must come to Long Island, New York immediately. Do you know anything about Greek mythology? Actually, I don't have time for this. We are not with your enemies, your friend wound up with us, combining two worlds that have long been unconnected. Please come soon if you wish to save him from his future." With that, the centaur, and her dream disappeared.  But not in an ordinary way, it was as if her entire dream had been a reflection in a pool of water, and when it ended, the image was distorted and ripped across, with ripples, as if someone had cut through the water with their hand. 

Sophie woke up to a feeling of confusion. But she shook it off, thinking it was probably just her imagination trying to give her a way to find Keefe. But while she was walking past the pastures, she knew she couldn't ignore the dream, if she had a chance to find Keefe, she was going to take it. So she raced inside and found Edaline and Grady sitting at the dining table, eating a plate of mushy yellow blobs, which reminded her of scrambled eggs, a lot.

"Good morning Sophie, would you like some Frodigberries? They're quite delicious. Would you also like a glass of lushberry juice to go with that?" Edaline asks Sophie gently. 

"Uh sure, thanks." But actually, I have something to tell you guys." Once they were all seated with breakfast, she spilled out the news about her dream. 

Edaline being the kind person that she was, agreed. She understood that Sophie had to do this and that if she didn't, she would spend her entire life regretting it. 

Grady on the other hand, immediately said no, but Sophie expected this. Grady wouldn't want her to go off to the Forbidden Cities, to rescue "That Boy", ad he liked to call him.

But when Sophie made a pretty compelling argument about why she had to go, and due to her newly improved teleporting, she could go by herself, Grady agreed hesitantly. Sophie raced up to her room, happy for the first time in weeks, ready to find Keefe.

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