Car Ride to the Key (Sophie POV)

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Hi, sorry for not posting for so long. I've had writer's block and kinda forgot about this, but I'm back. And it's only been a year...

They had been driving for nearly hours, struggling to find a clue about where the first key was.

Sophie was in the back seat of the car, beside Keefe who was holding onto the car for his life. His face was green, and he looked as if he was about to throw up. At first, he resisted going into the car, claiming that it was an unpredictable death machine and that he was far too young to die.

Sophie had rolled her eyes and dragged him into the car, though she now regretted it. He was acting just like how he'd been when they were on Lady Cadence's houseboat. 

She grabbed Keefe's hand and soothed him, trying to calm him down. "It's okay, cars are pretty safe. I've been in them about a million times back when I lived here, and I've never died before. Well, I've almost died a few times, but what else can you expect from me?" Sophie said, trying to use humor to lighten the mood like Keefe always did.

"Pretty safe? You're basing all of this on pretty safe? If anything happens to The Hair, it's completely your fault." 

Annabeth and Percy giggled from the front of the car where Percy was driving. They were all 16, except for Sophie, who was 15, so everything was totally legal.

Sophie stared outside the window, it had been years since she was last in the Forbidden Cities, and she didn't know how to feel about it. What's Amy up to? Is she okay? She hasn't updated me in a while. Maybe I'll stop by if we end up in California. Are Mom and Dad okay? A million thoughts rushed through Sophie's head as she contemplated visiting her human family.

Keefe made a gulping sound, and Sophie quickly turned to face him. His face was starting to turn green, and he didn't look so good. The color was slowly fading from his face and he looked nauseated.

"Wow, out of all the things we've been through, you get carsick?" Sophie teased, hoping that Keefe would laugh and not vomit on her. 

Keefe tried to smile, before covering his mouth with his hand and leaning forward.

"Oh no. Ewww. Gross." Sophie turned around, disgusted.

Annabeth grabbed a plastic bag from the glove compartment and swiftly handed it to Sophie. "Had to keep these around because of Tyson." She said with a sad smile.

Sophie opened the bag and held it below Keefe's mouth, looking away from the disgusting vomit show. "Who's Tyson?" She asked Annabeth, as Keefe grabbed onto the plastic bag, cupping it around his mouth, as he vomited into it.

"Just my half-brother. He's a cyclops." Percy said casually. Glancing at us through the mirror before turning back in disgust.

"Eyes on the road, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth teased.

"A cyclops? Aren't those the one-eyed monsters from the myths? Wait, your half-brother is a monster?" Sophie gripped onto the sides of the car, waiting for a monster cyclops to appear and kill her.

"Yeah. But Wise Girl's also my niece... So who cares at this point." Percy said, flashing Annabeth a dazzling smile. 

Almost as good as Fitz's. Sophie shook that thought away from her head and focused on the present.

Keefe looked up from the vomit bag for a second, "Foster, hold The Hair back. If even a strand of it touches the vomit, I'll-" He put his head down mid-sentence to avoid puking on Sophie.

Sophie sighed dramatically and pulled "The Hair" back, rolling her eyes as she did.

Sophie could see Annabeth and Percy exchanging a glance and laugh out of the corner of her eye. Percy reached out and offered Annabeth his right hand, and they sat silently, holding hands as Keefe puked dramatically.

Sophie squealed on the inside looking at them. They were honestly Couple Goals. If only I had someone like that... She faced Keefe again. Not gonna lie, but his hair actually is amazing.

Sophie relaxed in the car, so far nothing bad had happened and it didn't look like it was happening anytime soon. She could get used to this kind of peace.

I jinxed it, didn't I?

Sophie heard a loud crash in the distance like a car being thrown off the highway. Her head turned to face the window, only to see some sort of monster outside...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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