Chapter 14

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I looked in the mirror through my blurry,tear filled eyes to see my face wet, water slipping down my cheeks. I dragged my hand down my face, wiping any excess water off.

My vision now clear I took another look in the mirror. my eyes were red and puffy, nose red as a tomato, and cheeks temporarily stained red. It looked like my face was slapped a million times all over.

As I made my way out if the bathroom, the cold air slapped me in the face. Making the water on my face feel like ice. I quickly brought my hands up to my face and absentmindedly slap myself. I winced in pain, as I felt my cheeks heat up even more.

It was now 10:00 p.m. and the hospital room was quiet. I could hear the faint sound of Miranda's breathing and the almost silent beeping radiating from the machine monitoring her heart rate.

I shuffled my my way back to the hospital bed and shut my eyes tightly trying to stop my thoughts. Attempting to force myself to sleep wasn't working out as well as I hoped.

I exhaled loudly and sat right back up. My back began to ache and pain shot through my legs. I allowed the fear take control, to do it's thing, but only for five seconds. Five seconds and i'd deal with it in a orderly fashion.

So I counted. 1, the pain was getting worse and worse. 2, I was groaning and on the verge of yelling by now. 3, tears began to find their way into my eyes. 4, my head get as if it were throbbing. 5, I shut my eyes as hard as possible.

By the time I was done, the pain slowly began to fade away. It was as if I had experienced on huge cramp that engulfed my whole body. Damn, that hurt like hell. I salute girls. I mean they give birth, but it must be ten times worse. Plus they get periods like, a lot. I could never be a girl. Thank god for giving me a silly willy, and some nuts.

When the pain completely vanished, I Waited an extra five minutes before moving any part of my body. I am not going to risk feeling that much pain again.

After the five minutes were up, I put myself into the 'crisscross applesauce' position that I'm pretty sure every kid learned in school.I switched on the TV, clicked a button that raised the back of my bed into a nearly 90 degree angle and began uncomfortably watching my favorite episode of The Walking Dead.

About half way through the episode it came to a part where Rick found out that Lori gave birth and died in the prison after barely escaping some walkers. I started thinking about what I would do if I were in his situation. Because instead of just judging him for the way he reacted, I figured that I need to put myself in his shoes first.

So I got to thinking. I put my best friends as majority of the other cast members. Because come on, surviving a zombie apocalypse with your best friends? What's cooler than that. Of course I made myself Rick, the main character. But then I found myself thinking about who would play my wife. And the first person who popped into my mind was, Miranda.

Then I started thinking about how I would feel if I lost Miranda, because she gave birth to our child, and I wasn't there. She almost died, and I wasn't there to protect her. Hell, I didn't even know where she was. I started to get this feeling in the pit of my stomach. I don't know what it was, but I didn't like it.

So I pulled myself out of my thoughts and began to focus on the show again. I got myself lost in the show, and found myself getting too 'into it'. It was pretty much done when I shut the tv off. I couldn't risk yelling at the TV and waking Miranda up.

The room fell silent once again. But I kept hearing this sound. Like a beeping, but it wasn't one of the machines. It was something else.

Letting my curiosity get the best of me I decided to investigate. I got out of bed, and followed the noises. The big room didn't help much. The noises bounced off the walls and echoed everywhere. Making it that much harder to locate the source of this blasted noise.

As I began to grow tired of standing and slowly making my way across the room, I began feeling slightly light headed. The closest thing to sitting on something was miranda's bed.

I slowly placed my butt onto the side of her bed and began to breathe slowly. I only allowed myself enough room to sit on less than half my butt. I was breathing in and out slowly, when I heard it.

The noises, they were happening again, it was louder by Miranda's bed and I could hear it clearly now. I lifted the two thin blankets off of her and in her hand was the source of that blasted noise. It was her cellphone.

Without thinking I grab it. I slide to unlock as instructed to and to my surprise there is no passcode. The only reason I took the phone was to stop that noise. It was a damn alarm that said "PLL ON IN FIVE!" I had no clue what that meant but oh well.

When I unlocked her phone her messages with Kyler opened. Instead of reading them, I scrolled all the way to the top, and clicked the 'call contact' button.

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