Chapter 15

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"Hello?" A raspy voice answered.

"Uhhm... Hi Kyler, this is Harry, Miranda's friend?" I replied.

"What, what's going on." He said back, still waking up.

"Kyler, this is very serious, can you possibly be here tomorrow, by 12:00 p.m., sharp, with all of Miranda's close friends?" I questioned.

"Is Miranda ok?!" He yelled into the phone, now wide awake.

"Yes, she's fine, but i'm going to need you guys here, you guys are going hear some news, that even Miranda hasn't heard. I'm hoping she'll be up by the time you guys get here, and then i'll tell you all." I said sternly back, trying to sound as perfessional as possible.

"What do you mean, you hope she'll be up, she still hasn't waken up yet?" He said trailing off at the end, I could hear his voice tremble a little, signifying that he was on the verge of crying.

"Not yet, but the doctors say she needs all the sleep she can get, and she's going to wake up any second." I said back.

"Ok, well do you mind if you could tell me the news, right now, through the phone?" He asked hesitently.

"Actually, yes, I do mind, not to sound like a Jerk or anything, but I need to tell Miranda and all of her friends, in person, you guys will need each others support." I spoke, cautious not to get him too worried.

"Well ok then, thanks, do you guys need anyting? Like food or, do you need me to pick anything up from your house?" He questioned me.

"No thanks, Miranda's mom is going to bring everything we need tomorrow morning, before she leaves for work. I just need you to make sure you and all of Miranda's closest friends are here tomorrow 12:00 p.m., sharp." I replied.

"Ok, thanks for calling, I really appriciate it." Kyler spoke.

"Yeah, no problem, now get some rest, you're going to need it. Night." I said quickly, noticing Miranda was tossing and turning.

"Night." Kyler replied and with that I hung up the phone.

I rushed to Miranda's side, as fast as I could, my body still recovering from the accident. Not knowing what to do I just grabed her hand. And squeezed it gently, each time she moved. I reached over to my bed, pulling off my blanket and spreading it over her, gently. She's still moving around, now breaking a sweat. Which is quite ironic since she is in a 60 deggree room, and she gets cold in 70 degrees.

She's still moving around, and I have no clue what to do. I'm just watching her. I'm just watching the struggle she's in, and I can't do anything to help her. I sit at the edge of her bed, and she stops moving for a bit. She snakes her arm around my waist. I flinch at the action, but let her go, as it made her calm. She was now back to sleeping, but now I was in her arms. I was in her hold, and I didn't know wether to stay or wether to get out of her grasp and go to my bed. As I was contemplating in my head on what to do, my thoughts were inturupted by Miranda's hand landing on my crotch. I immediately felt uncomforatable and shoot straight off of her bed. As the pain began to build up in my stomach, I just slowly sat myself down on the floor. Trying not too cry out the pain I was feeling.

After the pain had subsided, I sat next too Miranda on her bed again. Guarding my 'area' this time. I stared at her, so oblivious to the world, in her deep slumber. Her lips were a desert, dry and bare. Her cheeks, rosy red. Her hair, darker than usual. Her eyes, hiding their beauty behind her closed lids. I stared at her, not her, but what she was hiding behind her skin. What she wasn't letting the world, or anybody see, but her. She was beatuy. Not beautiful, she was my definition of beauty. And I will never let her feel like she is less, ever again.

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