Chapter 11

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Miranda's mom p.o.v.

I was running through the parking garage looking for my car in a panic. I left my phone where I had dropped it on the ground. My heels are broken, my feet are killing me, and I ran out of my office without a word to anyone. My tears streamed down my face as I open my car door and jump in the drivers seat.

I slung the seat belt over my shoulder and click it into place. The engine roared to life and I pulled on to the road as fast as I could. The tears making it hard for me to see, I was recklessly driving. I ran red lights, while speeding past other cars. I blinked away the tears and they'd dripped onto my legs, leaving dark spots on my pants.

I kept my eyes on the road driving as carefully as I could while in a state of panic. I ran another stop sign when I heard a loud siren, followed by blinding red and blue lights. I looked into my rear view mirror and found I was being followed closely by two cops in a car.

"PULL OVER." He said sternly through a loud speaker.

I did as told and pulled to the side of the road, the cops followed. As the driver came out of the car I took a deep breathe and wiped the tears from my face. I watched as he approached my car with a clipboard in hand. He ran his fingers through his hair and finally was at my window. I rolled it down and took another deep breathe.

"Excuse me ma'am, would you like to explain to me why you are driving so recklessly? You could have hurt many people including yourself, are you aware of that?" He spoke concern clear in his voice.

"My daughter. and son. Hospital. Seizure. Please, I need. to get. to the hospital. now officer. My children. are in the hospital. They need me." I said taking breaths after every two words.

"Ma'am, breathe. Are your children really in the hospital?" He questioned.

"Yes!" I said once again in a panic state.

"Well, then please allow me to escort you." He said a smile on his face.

"Really?" I asked confused.

"Yes, but you are in no condition to drive. Is it alright if my partner drives your car? You can take the passenger seat while he follows me." He spoke.

"Yes. Please. Thank you. So much officer..." I trailed off.

"Mitch. Call me Mitch." He finished my sentence for me.

"Thank you officer Mitch." I said in a small voice, with a weak smile.

He ran back to his cop car and his partner came out. He jumped into my drivers seat while I took the passenger. Mitch put on his lights and sirens and zoomed in front of us. We followed, speeding closely behind him and soon enough we were at the Queens hospital. We pulled up, right in front of the sliding doors and I dashed out of the car door into the cold hospital.

I stopped right in my tracks and turned around remembering about the cops who had escorted me here. I ran back towards them and into Mitch's arms. He was tense but soon became loose and hugged me back.

"Thank you, thank you so much." I said trying not to cry.

"No problem." He said.

And by that I ran back into the hospital and to the front desk.

"I'm looking. For Miranda. Miranda Adams. I'm her mother. And Harry styles. Please." I said rushed and out of breath.

The lady typed away on her computer and she clicked on her mouse. She quickly read through a list of names and she finally clicked on one. A picture of Miranda came up and she hovered over it.

"Room 1202. So go down this hallway, take a left and take the elevator to the 12th floor. It's the second door to your right." She said in a squeaky voice.

"Thank you!" I yelled while running towards the elevator.

I got in and pushed the button '12'. I waited impatiently as I was slowly rising up to the 12th floor. With each 'ding' I grew more and more impatient. I tapped my foot over and over. Faster and faster as I was now at the tenth floor,the eleventh.

The elevator finally stopped and the doors slowly opened. I waited for it to open just enough for my body to slip through, and I squeezed out of the elevator. I turned right and ran down the hall. I finally took a look at the numbers on the clean, cream colored walls. They had a panel mounted on to the the walls next to each door. The nearest one read '1213'.

I turned around and ran back towards the elevator. I took the liberty to actually read the numbers as I passed them.

Finally I reached 1202. I stopped in my tracks and took a deep breathe in. Gathering everything I had in me, trying to prepare myself for whatever was behind this door.

I froze in front of the door. Dumbfounded by how I could come here in such a rush and end up freezing right when I got here. Right outside the door where my injured daughter and 'son' were, lying in bed, broken, and sore. Needing my help, needing my support.

What if it's something serious, what if she'll never walk again. How will I care and support her. How will I keep a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs. I began to think of the worst.

"I can't do it alone. I can't, I just cant." I spoke quietly to myself, tears flowing down my face.


Author's note: Sooooo do you guys like it? Here's a surprise update because I've missed a few days. Hope this can make up for it.

To Kattie and Isabelle: Keep a look out for your names. They'll show up in a few chapters! Thanks for letting me use your beautiful names!

Thank you everyone for reading!


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