Chapter 17

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Harry's pov

Her words echo in my head. I sit at the edge of my bed, chewing the food in my mouth slowly. Not being able to process what I had just heard.

We're going to the UK. Actually we're not going to the UK we're moving to the UK.The thought of moving drives me crazy. I absolutely love Hawaii!

In Hawaii it's always warm, even when it rains and it's windy. In Hawaii everything was so laid back. I can't think straight as I begin to realise, that I'm going to lose everything. I'm going to lose my friends, the house I've grown up in, the amazing lifestyle you get to live when you're in hawaii.

Yes, it does get quiet boring here. But you can't randomly decide to go to the beach, get in the car and drive 10 minutes to get there in the UK. I begin to compare how my life is here and how I think it's going to be there, in the UK.

At least it's only for a few years, and hopefully we'll be able to visit for holidays.

The main reason we're going is just to get some physical therapy done for Miranda and I. I know it's suppose to help, but honestly, how does it help when we're losing our friends, the very people who we need to get us through all this crap.

I glance at the clock again, realizing it is now 11. Miranda's friends should be coming in a little per half an hour or so.

I finish up my breakfast while watching some spongebob. It was the only thing on t.v. that was actually entertaining right now.

Nurses are occasionally coming in to check up on Miranda and I. I know they're more concerned about miranda and I don't blame them.

They're constantly giving her new medicine, injecting it into the tube connected to her vein through a needle stabbed into her arm.

Oh and what do you know, the nurse is back. It's a different nurse every 3 hours, and I like this one the best.

She's a blonde nurse, with bright blue eyes. She's around her 20's i'm guessing and she is just stunning. She is the nicest nurse that has come through here so far and she is more than happy to tell me what they're putting into Miranda's body.

It makes me feel more than thankful too have her as our nurse for 3 short hours.

"Hi Harry, how are you doing. Any pain, aching, or sensitivity?" she asked while reading a paper posted on her neon green clipboard.

"Only a little pain if I move a certain way, I'm having some small migraines, and my eyes are pretty sensitive to bright lights. But it's nothing I can't manage." I inform her, with a small smile playing on my lips.

"Alright, well I'm just going to give you a little poke, is that alright?" she always asks before she injects something new into me.

"Yeah, it's fine. What does this do?" I asked, curiosity running through my mind.

"It's just going to help with some pain. A very light, simple pain killer, really." She answered.

I watched as she filled the needle up with some clear liquid from a small bottle.

"On three?"

I shook my head no. "just put it in."

I looked away and she stabbed the needle into my arm, allowing the medicine to run through my viens. Already use to all these needles getting stabbed into me, I don't flinch nor do I wince in pain anymore.

"Alright, all done. And the doctor just prescribed some medicine for you're girlfriend. He thinks it'll help her wake up." she spoke as she gave me a bright smile.

"Really? Well what are we waiting for??" I reaplied, excitement clear in my voice.

She put it into Miranda and looked back at me.

"Give it about half an hour. It may or may not work." She gave me a look and I could tell she was trying to say 'sorry' through her eyes.

"Alright, thanks anyways." And with that she found her way out of the room.

I could hear more voices and shuffling outside the door.

"You can go right in." I heard the nurse say.

All of miranda's friends walked through the door and I could barely see their faces. The only thing I could see we're tons of flowers and at least 20 balloons.

"Hi Harry" Rhiya spoke in her high pitched voice. She was always so shy, but at the same time she was so loud. I can't exactly describe it but she was cute, I have to admit it. She was quiet short, at least half a foot shorter than me, and her longer high lighted hair ran down her back to her bum.

"Hi rhiya." I said plainly.

"Hey man, you doing ok?" Reece spoke up.

"Yeah, feeling better, thanks" Reece was a tad taller than me,and he was fit. clearly one of those guys who are concerned about always being in shape and having a picture ready body.

"Hey harry." Kyler finally walked through the door, a giant bear in his hands. And when I say giant, I mean it. This bear was almost bigger than rhiya.

"Is this everybody?" I questioned and he nodded his head in response.

"Alright, you guys can just put all of your stuff over there" I said pointing to a empty table in the corner of the room.

-Kyler's pov-

I put the bear on the table and leaned it against the walls. Followed by Reece and Rhiya putting down all the flowers and balloons we bought for her.

"So, how's miranda?" Rhiya asked concern clear on her face.

Harry just glanced back at her and slightly shook his head. He turned back, taking turns look at each of us in the eyes.

"She's been sleeping for a while now. She woke up first. She was talking to the doctor, probably answering some questions. She was just on her phone and was fine for some time, then she started laughing. And I don't know, something happened and she just fell off the bed I guess. I thought she was fine because she kept laughing. I asked if she was ok, and when I did she just stopped laughing. She started to shake and she wasn't responding to anything I was saying. The doctors said she'd had a seizure and the tests haven't come back confirming what caused it." He tried explaining everything as best he could.

Nobody said anything, I think we were all too shocked to say anything. Harry looked uncomfortable as he shuffled around on his hospital bed playing with his hands.

"So what now?" Reece asked.

"Well, we just have to wait for the tests too come in I guess. They've been giving us both loads of medicine. And the nurse said she might wake up soon because of some new medicine they gave her." Harry explains.

"So, what did you have to tell us then." I asked.

-Harry's pov-

I looked at kyler and I took a deep breath in. I let it out with a sigh and ran my fingers through my curls.

"Miranda and I are moving to the UK."

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