Chapter 27

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Miranda's pov

I sat in the backseat of our averaged sized car, watching mom get acustomed to driving on the other side of the road. I'd have to learn to drive on the other side as well, when my leg healed up of course. Watching the different buildings and trees pass as we drove through London, my mind wandered off into random directions. It was beautiful here, the tall buildings were absolutely breath taking.

The car was quiet except for the soft hum of the car radio playing in the background. Harry sat in the passenger seat, his mess of curls pushed to the side. He wore Ray-Bans that hid his emerald green eyes, white chucks, dark skinny jeans and a loose fitting white V-neck. Tapping his foot to the beat of the songs that came on, he began to sing along every now and then.

I adverted my attention back out my window, watching every thing pass in a blur. The song Say Something began to ring through the car, and I immediately darted my eyes to the radio. Focusing my eyes on the buttons there, I listened closly to the song, as if my ears had fooled me. As the song continued I breathed in a small gasp and tapped on Harry's shoulder.

He turned his head and took off his sunglasses, looking into my eyes with his green ones. His lips curled up into a cheeky smirk and in a slightly raspy vioce asked "Yes Love?"

"Turn it up, I love this song!" I spoke, excitment laced in my voice as I continuied to hit his shoulder. "Only if you stop hitting me" He replied bringing his hands up blocking my hits.

"Ok, i'll stop just turn it up before it ends!" With that I threw myself back into the seat and he turned it up. Without hesitation I sang along, knowing every single word by heart. Looking dramatically out the window I felt as if I were in the music video.

As the song continued, I sang along, getting more into it as we drove pass unfamiliar places. By the second verse, I began to noticed Harry started singing with me. He began to harmonize with me, our voices blending together nicely. We sang the song together, and I stole glances of him every so often. He actually had a nice voice, I knew he did before when we were little, but it really matured over time.

The song came to an end all too soon and I scooted to the edge of my chair. Putting my hand out in front of him.

"I think that deserves a high five, we sounded pretty damn good" I spoke out in a ceerful voice. He looked back at me, and I smiled shaking my hand in front of him. Giving my hand a nice slap, he replicated my smile, exposing his dimpled cheeks.

"I have to admit it. You guys did sounds really good" my mom said, her eyes still focused on the road. Harry and I broke our gazes from each other and went back to our own seats.

After another 5 minutes of driving, we arrived at the Doctors. The building was huge, looking as if it could kiss the clouds. Mom parked on the street, quickly rushing out of the car digging around in her purse for coins to put in the meter. Harry jumnped out of the car, quickly coming around and opening my door for me. I handed him both my crutches which he held with ease in one hand, offering me his other hand to help me out. I took hold of his hand, jumping out of the car being careful to land on my good leg.

"Why thank you kind sir" I did a little curtsy, playfulness clear in my voice and actions.

Harry played along, kissing my hand and giving me a little bow "you are welcome Ms.Adams". His actions made a blush rush to my cheeks, surly turning them a crimson red.

"Please, call me Miranda. Ms.Adams is my mother's name" I said in a funny accent trying hide my blush.

"very well, love" he repiled, giving me a smirk, probably because I looked red as a tomato right now.

"Alright you two, let's stop playing house and get to your appointments" mom's voice called slightly ahead of us.

Harry handed me my crutches, watching me carefully, as if I were going to fall and break right before his eyes. He walked slightly ahead of me, holding my water and small clutch purse for me while texting on his phone. Tightly holding onto my phone and the crutch at the same time I trailed behind both Harry and my mom, making sure to keep up. We made our way through the huge automatic galss doors, and Harry and I stood behind mom as she talked to the receptionist behind the large Mahogany desk.

After numerous elevator stops and 5 minutes of staring at the silver chrome doors. We finally made it to the top floor and were patiently waiting in uncomfortable chairs and a crowded waiting room, reading small hand books about each of our 'conditions'. Mom was filling out forms while Harry and I played on our phones, finding that the hand books were quiet boring. 

 A man in a white lab coat opened the door with a clipboard in hand, filpping through the pages. "Miranda Adams?" 

"right here" I spoke standing up with my crutches tucking my phone into the hem of my skirt and grabbing my clutch purse from Harry.

"alright, just follow me please. Is this your mother and brother?" he asked motioning to Harry and my mom behind me.

"My mom and a family friend"

"Your mom can come in, as for the family friend, it's up to you if he can come in or not"  

Harry shook is head and waved his hands in front of him. "oh no, no. It's fine, i'll wait out here. I can wait for my appointment. You guys go ahead." He backed up and sat back down on his chair and pulled out his phone. 

"Alright then, shall we check on that leg now?" the doctor said holding open the door. 

I nodded my head and began to follow mom through the door before I was stopped by a firm hand landing on my shoulder. 

"Just call me Dr.Harrley" he held out a hand and gave me a nice smile, with that I took his hand and shook it. 

After 30 minutes of checking my weight, height and answering questions about the accident I was finally done with my appointment. All the small tests and poking at my leg had informed that my muscel was badly bruised and slightly ripped. I was prescribed pain medications and Dr.Harrley had signed me up for at least 6 months of physical therapy, along with that he gave me an estimated time of 1 year till i'd be fully recovered. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2014 ⏰

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