Chapter 22

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-miranda's pov-

"Wake up love, it's time to get off the plane." Harry's soft voice whispered.

I sat up and stretched out my legs while yawning. I threw my pillow pet in my purse and left the blanket, along with the pillow, on the seat. grabbing my purse I got my crutches and handed them to harry. He patiently waited for me in the aisle and handed me my crutches. He grabbed our bags out of the overhead compartment and I trailed behind him like a slug on my crutches. As we walked through the airport we I spotted my mom sitting on a small bench, waiting for us. As our eyes met she gave me a tired smile and a lazy wave. She gathered her bags, having at least 5 more bags than she had arrived with. Too tired to care, I followed her with Harry by my side. 

We reached another gate, and set our things down, claiming the seats as ours. Mom plopped down in her chair practically falling back asleep right away.

"Mom I'm going to find a starbucks, want anything?" I asked. She just nodded her head, not even opening her eyes and mumbled something I couldn't understand.

"Harry? want anything?" I asked a half awake Harry.

"No I'm fine, thank you love. Do you mind if I tag along, just until I find the toilets." He asked shyly.

"Alright, well let's go then. I need to wake myself up a bit." I said leading the way.

We walked in silence till Harry finally found a bathroom.

"I'll just meet you back at the seats, so we have don't have to wait for each other." Harry said walking into the men's toilets.

I just nod and make my way over to Starbucks, which is a few gates down. I place my order, a green tea latte with Thai walls, and lean against the counter waiting to pick it up. I try not too look too awkward and pull out my phone, pretending to text. Tapping on the empty black screen of my dead phone, my order seems like it's taking forever to be made. 

"looks like a very intriguing conversation." I swung my head around, only too see a blonde headed boy. My cheeks heating up as I blushed, I gave a 'oh well' smile and shrugged my shoulders. I put my phone into my pocket and just stared at the boy. His blue eyes were absolutely breath taking, and his cheeky smile made me feel butterflies. 

"I'm Niall" he said with a smile, as he stuck out his hand. 

"I'm Miranda" I smiled back and shook his hand, putting all of my weight onto one of my crutches. 

As awkward as I am, I had no idea how to carry out the conversation. I just stood there, staring at him, and his beautiful eyes. He gave me a wide simle, exposing his white braces. As if he noticed me looking at his teeth, he quickly dropped the smile, and blushed. Clearly embarrassed to be needing them. 

"hey, at least i'm straighter than my teeth." He spoke up, breaking the silence and lightening up the mood. I don't know why, but I found his comment absolutely hilarious. Letting out a hysterical laugh, I looked abck at him, clearly happy with himself. After grabbing our drinks, we sat down at a table together, just asking each other the basic questions, what's your favorite color, when's your birthday blah blah blah. 

"Well, Miranda from Hawaii, May I have your number? It'll give you a real reason to use that phone of your's." He shyly asked, an eye brow raised with a small smile playing on his lips.

I grabbed my recipet. I grabbed one of the small wodden sticks used to stir your coffee and scratched my number onto the back of it. I ripped off the corner that had my number on it and handed it over to Niall. He smiled shoving it into his pocket as he stood up out of his chair. I followed his lead and stood up as well. 

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