Chapter 1

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Let the games begin.

It was an early Monday morning and Meredith groaned as her alarm sounded. She'd only just gotten into Seattle off a red-eye flight from Boston, leaving only a few hours for her to sleep before her big meeting at the hospital where she grew up. Dr Webber was finally leaving Seattle Grace and spending his retirement travelling, opening up multiple new job positions throughout the hospital, something which piqued her interest.

"Meredith, turn it off!" She heard her friend scream from the room next door. That's Izzie, her best friend and roommate since college, the only person she could rely on.

"I'm trying!" She shouted back before slapping the snooze button so hard it knocked the alarm-clock onto the ground. "For god sake!" she huffed as she reached down and picked it up. Pulling back her covers, she climbed out her warm bed and headed straight to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"It sounds like you're having a hell of a morning" Izzie said as she stuck her head out the shower, startling Meredith. "Geez, Iz!" Meredith said as she spat out her toothpaste. Izzie just laughed before disappearing behind the blurred glass. "And yeah, I am. I told you we should have taken an earlier flight. And I was right because I've had 3 hours of sleep and I feel like a zombie!" Meredith snapped before leaving the room and going to get changed.

Once they were both dressed and ready, Izzie drove them to the hospital.

"Are you nervous to be back?" She asked. Meredith shook her head. "I grew up here, I know people here. It's not like when we moved to New York, were not starting a fresh" Meredith said as they pulled into the parking lot. "I suppose" Izzie reasoned with her. Her and Meredith had spent most of their 20's together. College, backpacking around Europe, med school, residency and their last 3 years of being attendings- hopping from city to city.

They walked inside through the main entrance and looked up to the sky walk across the front of the hospital. "Ahh! I can't believe I'm finally home and here where my mom used to work" Meredith grinned as she looked at the hospital she grew up in. "I thought we hated your mom?" Izzie chuckled. "Oh we do but I grew up here, Iz. And now I'm working here!" Meredith smiled as they continued in.

"I'll meet you for lunch, say 2?" Izzie asked as they parted directions. "2 sounds great" Meredith replied before running off to the attendings lounge to dump her things. Her stomach growled, "Crap! I didn't eat breakfast."

She made her way down to the food hall and joined the line for the hot breakfast food as she flicked through her phone to reply to some messages and emails. The line eventually shortened and she was now faced with all the delicious-looking food. She stared for a moment, trying to decide what she wanted.

"Could you move a little quicker? People have jobs to go to" she heard someone mumble from behind her, making her spin on her heels. "Oh, right! Sorry! I'm new here and I just-" she smiled nervously as spun back around and quickly grabbed the first thing she could. She felt someone close behind her before an arm reached out and grabbed something.

"The bacon roll is much better" the low voice spoke before he handed it to her. She turned around to look back at the man and smiled. "Thank you" she said as they walked to go pay. "Here, let me." He gently stopped her arm from paying before inserting his card into the machine.

"You really didn't have to do that- um-" she paused for a moment as she looked at the tall, raven-haired guy. "Derek" he said as he reached his hand out to shake hers. "Right, Meredith" she smiled as she continued shaking his hand before blushing and pulling away.

"Are you a doctor here, Derek?" She asked curiously. He nodded. "Neurosurgeon" he said as he took a sip of his coffee, wincing as it burnt his lip. "You're not very smart for a brain surgeon" Meredith giggled as she watched him try to cool his coffee. He only blushed.

"So what brings you here to Seattle, Meredith" he asked as they walked along the hall to the attending's lounge. "I grew up here, went and saw the world and now I'm wanting to work here. Dr Webber offered me a job" Meredith explained as she smiled at him.

"Ahh, so you are a liar" he mused as he looked at her. "E-excuse me?" She grew nervous. Derek laughed to himself as he stood up. "You said you were new here, but you're not" he pointed out as he pulled on his lab coat. "I'm sorry, you were rushing me in the line" Meredith sighed before laughing. Derek seemed to accept her excuse.

"I have a meeting to go to, but maybe I'll see you around." He smiled at her. "Right, goodbye Derek" she grinned at him before he left the room, leaving her to her coffee and some peace and quiet before her meeting with Dr Webber...

New book that I hope you enjoy. I genuinely love reading all your comments on things so please comment because I love reading your feedback and thoughts!!❤️

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