Chapter 23

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Derek's interview

"Derek, come on in" Webber smiled as he opened up the office door. Derek walked in and Richard pointed to the chair opposite his desk. "Take a seat"

"So, how do you think you've done?" Richard asked as he sat in his chair. Derek shrugged. "Probably not too great. I've been pretty distracted the last few months" he said. "Ah yes, the shooting and all that" Webber caught on.

Derek nodded. "And Meredith" Derek chuckled quietly, smiling at the thought of his girlfriend. Richard frowned. "Meredith?" He questioned, then suddenly he caught on.

Oh god, this was about to get awkward.

"Oh- right- well look Derek, I'm afraid I've decided Meredith is the best choice for the job. You were both close, but I thought that she was the better option"

It took Derek a moment to process the news before he looked back up.

"You've given the job to Meredith?" He asked quietly. Richard nodded. A smile grew on his face, confusing him.

"I'm so happy for her"

Richard sighed a breath of relief. "Well I'm glad. You both deserved the job, but I had to pick one" Webber said. Derek shook his head. "No, no, it's okay, I get that. She wanted it more than me, she deserves it"

"Well alright then" Richard smiled as he shook his hand. "You've always been a fine genteman from the day I took you in as an intern" he said. "It's been a pleasure working with you, Sir"

"So you and Meredith you say?" Richard pried curiously. Derek blushed. "It's pretty new, but yeah" he smiled like a silly idiot. He was so in love with her.

"I'm sure Ellis had a lot to say about it?" Richard laughed as they walked to the door. "Huh?" Derek frowned as he stopped and turned back to Richard.

"Meredith's mom, Ellis. I'm sure she had a lot to say to you, she always has a lot to say about everyone, especially her own daughter. Poor Meredith, she probably had a terrible childho-"

"W-wait- Ellis Grey is Meredith's mom?" Derek asked. Webber frowned and nodded. "Didn't you know?" Richard ask as he watched Derek's unrecognisable expression. "No" he said as he shook his head.

As Derek reached for the door handle to leave, he stopped. "Wait, you sound as if you're close with Ellis" Derek said. Richard nodded slowly. "There's a history" he confirmed. "So you have a history with Meredith too? You knew who she was before she came here?"

Richard nodded again, unsure what was going through his mind. "You didn't hire Meredith because of Ellis, did you?" Derek asked. "I'm not going to lie to you, it was the only thing that set you two apart. She grew up in this hospital, she knows it better than me. I couldn't not give her the job"

Derek laughed to himself. "So what was I in all of this?" Derek asked. Webber tensed, not knowing what to say. "Yeah, that's what I thought" Derek said as he could feel himself growing more and more angry.

"I'm pissed I didn't know but I'm fucking angry that you are hiring her on nepotism. She's so much more than that" He spat. "What, you really don't believe that her name alone wouldn't bring millions to this hospital?" Richard challenged.

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