Chapter 30- Epilogue

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This is forever.

"Shhh" he laughed as they walked into the trailer, laughing quietly as Meredith unlocked the trailer door.

"I can't help it, I just can't believe we thought it was a good idea bringing our newborn home to a building site" she giggled. "I told you, she's going to love it when the house is built. Think of all the land she's going to get to run around on. Isn't that right, baby girl?" Derek whispered in a childish tone as he lifted the tiny baby out the carrier.

She scrunched up as Derek laid her on his chest, swaying side as he walked back up to Meredith. She leaned up, kissing the back of her daughters head before leaning up to kiss Derek. "This is our first night home as a family" she whispered. "It is"

Meredith sighed as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Come on, you get a shower and get ready for bed, I'll get this little lady sorted" Derek smiled.

Meredith nodded a took a quick shower them climbed into some of Derek's sweats. Just as Meredith had sat on the bed, the baby started crying. "Don't cry, don't cry, little one" Derek soothed her as he walked to the bedroom with her. "I think she's hungry, and my nipples are no use to her" Derek said as he passed her over.

Meredith laughed and pulled up her t-shirt and grabbed a pillow before getting settled. Derek threw on a pair of shorts and climbed into the bed with Meredith.

"She's definitely got your face" Derek smiled as he watch Meredith feed their daughter. "She got your curls though" Meredith giggled as Derek smoothed down the little girls blonde curly hair.

"She has your green eyes" he whispered in admiration, an unfamiliar wave of emotion falling over him. "You're crying?" Meredith looked to him. "She's so tiny, and small, and new" he whispered. "And she's ours" Meredith added. Derek nodded. "She's so beautiful" he whispered. "Derek, you're going to make me cry" she giggled as her eyes filled with tears.

"I love you" he whispered as Meredith burped the small baby. "I love you too" she smiled before kissing him.

"I know things are a little crazy at the minute with the baby and me building us a house, but do you want to get married one day?" He asked curiously.

"Of course" she smiled. Derek sighed in relief. "That's good" he chuckled as he looked back to their small baby. He reached out his finger for her to grab, and she gripped it tight. Her hands were so small in comparison of his, but he'd never felt love like this before.

"I can't believe she was born on our anniversary" Meredith whispered. "I know, what are the odds?" Derek said quietly. "I'll take you on a proper date when you feel up to it that doesn't involve hospital gowns and an epidural" he joked.

"Hmm- you're my knight in shining...whatever" she laughed before kissing him again.

She yawned as she rubbed her daughters back to sooth her. "Come on, ladies" Derek said he climbed out the bed and gently lifted his little girl into his arms.

"You get some sleep, you need the rest. I'll take care of her tonight" Derek smiled as he placed his daughter in her bassinet at the side of the bed.

"Hmm- thank you-" she sighed happily as she settled into their bed. Derek smiled at her before kissing her. "Mark and Lexie are coming over tomorrow if you feel up to it" Derek whispered as he climbed into bed behind her, spooning her body gently.

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