Chapter 25

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"Hey man, how've you been?" Mark smiled as he patted his best friends back. "Good, good. Been better, but glad I'm back" his voice trailed away as he looked around Mark's apartment.

"Where is she?" He asked, trying not to sound desperate. "She's in there" Lexie pointed. "But she's asleep, so maybe give her another hour" Mark suggested but Derek shook his head. "I need to see her"

He ignored the two and slipped into the bedroom. She was asleep in the bed, Mark's phone next to her where she'd fallen asleep to Derek talking to her.

He smiled. She looked peaceful.

He opted to sitting on the bed, not wanting to overstep any boundaries or startle her after the events of last night. He noticed a dark bruise on her collarbone, and another on her wrist. He frowned. How far did this guy go.

Suddenly she stirred in her sleep and then opened her eyes, instantly greeted by Derek's smile. "Morning, sleepyhead" he chuckled. She groaned, rolling back on her side. "Ugh you're still a morning person" she groaned.

"Oh come on!" He chuckled. "It's been 5 weeks and you haven't seen me, and that's all you can say?" He joked. She giggled as rolled on her back and sat up.

"I've missed you" she smiled as she wrapped her arms around him. He held her tight feeling her shake under his hold.

"You're shaking" he noted. "I think the drug's wearing," she whispered. They pulled away and Meredith pulled the comforter back. "Get in, I'm cold" she said. He kicked off he shoes and climbed into the bed with her. He didn't want to touch her or make her feel uncomfortable, so he just laid there.

"I think we should take you to the hospital to get you checked over" he said quietly as he observed more bruises on her body. "It's not the priority right now" she said quietly. He frowned and looked at her, realising her gaze was on him. "O-oh- okay- whatever you want" he said.

"I just wanted you here, that is all" she said quietly before moving a little closer to him.

"Do you want to talk about last night?" He said, trying to stop himself from grabbing her hand or brushing her hair back. She looked at him for a moment. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"he said when he sensed her hesitancy.

She nodded a little bit wasn't sure what to say. "How about you start with what happened in the bar?" He said gently.

She swallowed the lump in her throat. I was just getting a few drinks, that was all. And then he approached me and got talking to me and distracting me. I didn't even see him put something in my drink but 3 shots later and I was nearly on the floor. You know I can handle my alcohol, Derek, and it wasn't alcohol, I promi-"

"Hey! You don't have to promise anything or be sorry for anything" he said sternly as he grabbed her hand. She looked at him for a moment before she decided to shuffle closer to him and lay her head against his chest.

"He kissed me" she swallowed the lump in her throat, feeling like she'd cheated on him. "Okay" he whispered as he stroked her hair, staring at the ceiling just thinking about how anyone could do this to her.

"He grabbed me and- did things..." She said quietly. "T-touched me" she whispered. "Did he r-" he started but she shook her head quickly. "N-no just touching"

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