Chapter 4

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The night at the bar

"So, is this a good place to hang out?" Meredith asked him quietly as they sat at the busy bar. He shrugged. "It's full of doctors all hours of the day, and Joe is great" Derek replied before calling him over. Joe smiled at Derek and he reciprocated. "Dr Shepherd, my favourite customer," he said as he came and patted Derek's shoulder.

Then his eyes travelled to the petite blonde who sat next to him. Joe glanced back to Derek quickly. "You have a date?" He asked surprised. Both Derek and Meredith's cheeks burned red as they quickly stumbled on their words. "No- I-" she stuttered as she waved around her hand. "W-we've been working together today and came out to celebrate- a-as friends" Derek helped finish her sentence before turning away from her to hide his obvious embarrassment.

Joe watched the two and laughed to himself. "Okay," he smiled casually before grabbing two glasses. "One single malt scotch, and..." Derek said before looking to Meredith. "Oh- ill have a tequila please" she smiled at the barman before he poured their drinks.

"You're a scotch kind of guy? Interesting" she hummed as she watched him bring the drink to his perfect lips. Stop it, Meredith. He laughed nervously as he placed his drink back on the counter and leaned towards her "How so?" he asked with a smirk. Oh, this man was playing with fire.

"I bet you're an intense person" she answered as she swirled her tequila around the glass. Keep it together, Derek. "But I don't think you're someone that drinks often. You don't have a bottle of scotch at home, so you use coming to the bar as a place of solitude. You have a lot of feelings to sort through but life seems to just beat you down every time, but maybe a part of you likes the pain, like the burn of the scotch" she continued. Derek downed the rest of his drink quickly.

He only just met her but he'd never felt such a strong attraction to a woman before. Not only being drop-dead-gorgeous, but the raspiness in her voice, or the way her smile reached her eyes, her bold sense of humour and her wittiness. She was turning him on in all the ways he never had been before and he felt like his body was on fire.

"Oh, and what are you drinking? Tequila?" he smirked as he watched her giggle and her cheeks blush. Two could play at that game. "You started drinking it in med school and never stopped. You cling to those years, never wanting to grow up, maybe a bad childhood? People think it's fun and thrilling, maybe you are fun and thrilling, but deep down it's all the same poison that I'm drinking too. Deep down, maybe you are dark and twisty."

She gulped. She'd never felt so seen yet vulnerable before as he was completely accurate in their playful analysis of one another. He could see her eyes that he'd got her. It was almost a fearful look and suddenly he felt bad, maybe he'd taken it a little too far.

He quickly ordered them another round before they moved on with their conversation and back to their flirting. But time slipped away and Meredith was now ordering them their 8th drink.

"Do you not have work tomorrow?" he asked as he reached for her hand to stop her from taking a sip. "Not until the evening" she smirked before downing her drink. His voice was lower when he was drunk, and it was keeping her hot and flustered as she squeezed her thighs close to dull the ache.

"Don't you have work tomorrow, Dr McDreamy" she flirted as her hand stroked the bottom of his thigh. "Dr McDreamy? Is that what you're calling me now?" he chuckled. "You are very McDreamy" she giggled as she ran her hand through his raven curls. A sigh fell from his lips as he fought with every demon not to kiss her.

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