Part 5

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Part 5 (1108 Words)

Violet let gravity do most of the work for her as she chased after the two gods. Only needing to use her fire to re-elevate or to avoid crashing into a tree. Tony sped past her after a minute since she was still not used to flying, having only learned how earlier that day. By the time Violet had landed atop of a cliff, she noticed only Loki was there.

"Where the hell did the others go?" She thought to herself. Her question was quickly answered by the sudden flash of lightning and firing of Tony's repulsors from the woods below the cliff. "Okay...So why isn't Loki running?" Violet thought as she watched the black-haired god from a different cliff than the one he sat watching.

"Because it's futile. A prince surrenders with honor." Loki says to Violet without turning around.

"Stay out of my head," Violet commanded with one of her classic scowls.

"God, you think I'd want to know what goes on in a puny human teen's mind? Disgusting." Loki gagged.

"You might want to listen to her. Fire can be very easy to lose control of. If you know what I mean." Cap threatened as he jogged past the two.

"Oh, I do..." Loki smiled.

"Watch him like a hawk, I'll go get those two baboons." Cap nodded to Violet before jumping over the edge of the cliff and throwing his shield in between Tony and the blonde god.

"So what's Hercules' name?" Violet asked Loki.

"If you are referring to my blonde oaf of a brother down there, his name is Thor, Odinson, God of thunder, etc," Loki smirked before changing the subject. "So you can control fire?"

"Wh-" Violet was about to ask her usual 'why' but was interrupted by a shock wave that almost made her fall over. She looked over the edge of the cliff to find all the trees near the boy's fight had been snapped and thrown away from where Cap was standing in the middle.

"Are we done here?" Violet barely heard Cap over the sound of the ringing in her ears. "You good kid?"

"Yep!" Violet shouted out unintentionally as her ears were still ringing, causing the boys below to chuckle at her.

"You better be! Otherwise, Tony's goose is cooked." Nat said over the PA system of the twin jet. "Speaking of birds, hurry up, I want to land the jet already."

"And why would my goose be cooked exactly?" Tony sassed as everyone climbed back onto the twinjet.

"You are the one who kidnapped me." Violet defended Nat, which earned the teen a grateful smile from the assassin.

"Abducted." Tony clarified.

"How is that any different, Stark?" Cap questioned.

"That's what I said!" Violet shouted out in agreement.

"Shut up, sit down, and buckle in. We're almost back to the base," Nat chuckled as she began the descent to the flying Shield base's runway.

"Goody," Loki murmured under his breath just quiet enough for no one to hear. Or at least so he thought. Violet managed to pick up on it which only confirmed her suspicion that he wanted to be here. Cap was right, that was too easy.

Nat pulled Violet to the side immediately after she landed the twinjet. At first, she was merely looking over the girl, making sure she wasn't injured or anything. Then she dragged her by the wrist towards a group of three people.

"Violet, this is Agent Hill, Agent Coulson, and Director Nick Fury." Nat gestured to each person as she named them. Violet gave them each a polite smile but Coulson was the only one who smiled back at her.

"Thank you for agreeing to help us. When I started the Avenger Initiative I knew we were lacking something, I hope I've found that missing link in you." Fury said after a moment.

"Sorry, but I thought Phil was in charge?" Violet asked as politely as she could. Which made Agent Coulson cough suddenly.

"Whatever gave you that impression?" Agent Hill queried.

"Stark." Violet, Nat, Fury, and Coulson answered simultaneously.

"Anyway, No, I'm not in charge." Agent Coulson fretted. "Well I am, but I'm kind of second, er no, more like, third in command here."

"Oh, okay." Violet laughed while scratching the back of her neck awkwardly. "uh, sorry,"

"No need to apologize, Shield just wants to confirm a few things with you before you are officially appointed to the Initiative," Fury explained, rather monotony.

"Follow me, I'll help you get the paperwork started," Coulson smiled and stretched his arm out in the direction of the base door.

"Okay, no problem." Violet began. "Nat, are you coming too?"

"I'll join you two in a bit, I still need to update Fury on what happened." Violet nodded her head in understanding before allowing Coulson to lead her through a series of hallways, doors, and more hallways before finally entering a small conference room. On the way there he wouldn't stop talking about how excited he was to get Cap to sign his vintage card collection.

"Go ahead and make yourself comfortable. There is quite a bit of paperwork." Agent Coulson, who requested you just call him Phil, started. "First there is the official guardianship from your foster agency that needs your signature. Originally you were going to be under the collective supervision of Shield but Ms. Potts intervened and rearranged your custody."

"What does that mean exactly? And who is Ms. Potts?" Violet asked worriedly. The last thing she wanted was to be stuck in another foster home.

"Don't worry Ms. Potts is an exceptionally well-respected and nice woman. Why she's dating Mr. Stark? I have no clue..."

"Woah wait... Tony's girlfriend agreed to foster me?"

"Not exactly, you see she doesn't have the necessary training to be a foster parent, so Shield is allowing her, and Ms. Romanoff to be your primary supervisors through us." Phil continued to explain in great detail all of the paperwork, what Violet's role in the group was, and what was expected of her.

At first, Violet thought she might have gotten out of having to go to school but lo and behold Ms. Potts had already gotten her enrolled in a nearby high school; The Midtown School of Science and Technology.

"So how's it going in here?" Tony asked as he peaked his head into the room.

"Just finished," Phil announced whilst shutting the binder full of paperwork now decorated with messy signatures.

"Great. Ready to join the big league, kid?" Tony asked Violet with a grin.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Violet retorted sarcastically.


Avengers Assemble! Violet Book 1Where stories live. Discover now