Part 9

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Part 9 (926 Words)

"The tesseract belongs to Asgard. No human is a match for it." Thor states boldly as Tony starts to walk out the door. Only to be stopped by Cap.

"You're not going alone."

"You gonna stop me?" Tony taunts.

"Put on the suit, let's find out." He counters

"I'm not afraid to hit an old man." Tony aggressively sasses.

"Put on the suit," Cap says with a deadly tone. Violet who had hurried over to the computer screen realized exactly where the tesseract was just seconds before Bruce took off his glasses in shock.

"Oh my god..." he whispers before an explosion was heard and the impact threw everyone out of balance, the second explosion causing heat and a few flames to sputter out from the vents causing the floor to break beneath Violet, Bruce, and Nat's feet. Violet hit the ground hard and rolled out of the way just in time before a piece of debris would have decapitated her. However this did mean she fell off the platform she landed on, luckily a similar metal platform was only a couple of feet below it, the impact merely knocking the breath out of her lungs as she felt a third explosion go off.

"We're okay," Violet heard Nat say into her earpiece from above her. "We're okay right?"

"Nat? Bruce?" Violet yelled up to the two.

"Vi! Are you okay?" Nat asked before quickly turning back to Bruce as he started to yell out in pain as The Hulk started taking over.

"I think you have bigger things to worry about. Much bigger." Violet yelled back before whispering to herself. "And greener..."

"I heard that, now get out of here, I can handle this. Tony and Cap need backup, engine three." Nat ordered as she struggled for a second to get her foot free from the debris that landed on it. Violet didn't hesitate to run out the central engine room door and towards what she believed to be engine three. However Violet actually entered the room where Loki was being held prisoner just in time to see Phil shoot Loki with a rather large and oddly familiar fireball from a gun similar to the one Cap discovered just moments ago.

"Phil!" Violet shouted as she realized the state he was in. There was a large pool of blood starting to expand below him which was making Violet very uneasy. "Shit, listen this is going to hurt but..."

"We gotta stop the bleeding. I know. Just do it." Phil said with all the strength he could muster before tensing up as Violet leaned him forward so she could cauterize his wound from both sides. Violet lit both her palms and formed the flames flat against her hands which were shaking due to her nerves. "It's okay, Violet."

"I can do it, I'm gonna save you," Violet promised. She looked Phil in the eyes before the two nodded their heads in agreement. Violet quickly pushed her hands against his wound and held them there for what felt like forever till the wound had finally stopped bleeding. The smell of Phil's burnt flesh lingering throughout the room and the echo of his screams was too much for Violet as she gagged and barely managed to hold down her lunch.

"I'm so sorry," Violet choked back tears as Phil slumped against the wall, despite cauterizing the wound it appeared he had lost too much blood and needed more help than Violet could give him. "Phil?"

"J-just give me a m-minute..." Phil weakly whispered out.

"I'm inclined not to give you one," Violet heard Loki say as he stood back up from where the gun's blast had sent him flying.

"You!" Violet yelled as she sent a large sphere of fire toward him.

"Won't fall for the same trick twice, darling," Loki smirked as he kicked Violet from behind, sending her flying across the room. The impact would have definitely broken something if she hadn't used her flames to slow herself down.

"Leave her out of this!" Phil tried to shout but was too weak. "Just kill me and let the girl go,"

"Now, now. No need to be so delusional..." Loki said as his smirk widened and his body warped before vaporizing into thin air, like some kind of haunted mirage. Violet immediately ran back over to Phil and right as she kneeled in front of him, Fury slammed the door open. Fury didn't hesitate to quickly kneel before him as well.

"Sorry, Boss," Phil started with a bloody cough, "The god rabbited,"

"Just stay awake. Eyes on me." Fury said as he radioed for a medic team to rush to the holding cell.

"No, I'm clocking out here," Phil slurred

"Not an option,"

"It's okay, Boss. This was never going to work if they didn't have something to..." Phil said as he shut his eyes for what Violet believed to be for the last time.

"Phil?" Violet whispered as she lightly shook his shoulder, once Fury backed away. "Please?"

"Miss, please move." A medic said to Violet. "We need to-"

Violet didn't wait to listen to what they had to say, she ran out of the room as fast as she could.

"Agent Coulson is down...they called it," Was the last thing she heard before escaping the cell. The sound of Phil's screams seemed to still be echoing in Violet's head as she gripped her hair and covered her ears. She quickly found a storage closet and shut herself inside allowing her own screams to finally escape.


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