Part 10

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Part 10

Violet's eyes fluttered open after what felt like a few hours as her neck was sore from the weird position she ended up falling asleep in. She slowly stood up and shook her head trying to clear the headache that had formed. She looked around and quickly realized that not only was she still in the storage closet but that the door had locked from the outside, meaning her only way out was to go through the vents, again.

"You got a suit?" Violet heard Cap say from a small room to her right. As Violet peered through the vent opening she must have leaned against it too hard as she fell right out and onto the floor beneath Nat's feet. Black Widow who must have heard her in the vents didn't even flinch but the two men in the room jumped at least a foot in the air in surprise.

"Oww," Violet murmured as she stood up and began brushing off her pants.

"Violet? Are you hurt??" Nat asked as Steve gave her a brief inspection.

"Why are you covered in blood? Are you bleeding?" Steve asked frantically.

"Wait, why are you asking her that? I thought she was with you?" Nat questioned Steve. Man, she was really not going to like his response.

"I thought she was with you?!" Steve shouted, "Okay just show us where you're bleeding from?"

"I-it's not mine," Violet blinked back fresh tears as she shrugged out of Steve's grip, "It's P-Phils..."

"Oh, Vi..." Nat whispered as she quickly hugged the teen. "You were there then? When Loki...When Phil..."

"Yeah, I-i tried my best to stop the bleeding," Violet started before pausing slightly to stare at her bloodied and now shaking hands, "I cauterized the wound, but it wasn't enough,"

"It's gonna be alri-," Steve started.

"Who's that?" Violet interrupted not liking all the attention, she'd rather just focus on finding Loki and getting revenge for Phil than on her mental health.

"Clint, meet Violet. Vi, meet Clint," Nat introduced the two while opening a drawer and throwing some clothes in Clint's direction. Although Steve just gave Violet a strange look for so suddenly changing the topic Nat knew exactly why she had, after all, she went through a very similar event at Violet's age as well.

"No offense but, what exactly is a kid doing here?" Clint asked with a raised brow as he caught said clothes. "She's not coming to New York with us is she? It's too dangerous,"

"Oh please, I can handle myself just fine, thanks," Violet quipped in response while lighting one of her hands on fire to prove her point.

"What the he-" Clint started.

"Just hurry up and get changed, the longer we leave Loki to play the longer it'll take for us to clean up his toys," Nat ordered whilst lightly pushing Violet out of the room.

"We're not done talking about this!" Clint yelled after them.

"Let's go get you cleaned up Violet, I think I have an old suit that will fit you,"

"Thanks," Violet said as she let Nat guide her into a small room where she quickly rinsed Phil's blood off before getting changed into Nat's old suit which fortunately fit her like a glove.

"Ready Vi?" Nat called out as she knocked on the bathroom door.

"As I'll ever be," Violet muttered as she stepped out of the room and followed Nat and eventually the rest of the team as they made their way to where the twin jet was parked. Only to find the plane wasn't empty and some maintenance man started questioning why they were there.

"Son, just don't," Steve commanded as the group minus Tony walked past him, got on the jet, and 'borrowed' it.

"Just follow me, I have a plan," Tony said through the comms everyone was wearing before taking off much faster than the jet could go.

"Care to enlighten us as to what it is?" Clint sassed as he steered the jet in Tony's direction.

"I swear if your plan is 'attack' I'll kill you myself," Nat said half-jokingly.

"Just get to my tower as soon as you can," Tony responded, "I need to switch my suit and then we can stop the portal from opening and put Loki in a very long time-out,"

"Can't wait..." Clint responded. Eventually Tony flew out of sight and Nat had to turn on the jet's navigation system, the group got there pretty quickly but Tony still made a joke about how much slower they were compared to him.

"What the hell are those?!" Violet gasped as she looked out the jet's windows to see a ton of aliens flying out of a large portal in the sky.

"Language!" Cap said before he could stop himself. Luckily for him, Tony was a bit preoccupied and must not have heard him.

"Those are the enemy, kid," Clint sassed before becoming aware of Loki aiming his scepter at the jet, "Nat,"

"See him," She responded before firing the jet's guns at Loki, although just barely, she successfully knocked him off balance and thus his shot did not hit the jet's cabin but rather its wing. Violet quickly ran to the backdoor and opened it before jumping out of the jet and using her flames to propel herself toward the wing, which was now ablaze. She quickly took control of the fire and extinguished it allowing Clint to regain control of the jet enough to land, albeit roughly but, it was better than crashing into a building and possibly killing hundreds if not thousands.

"We gotta get back up there!" Steve said as Violet landed on the ground next to him. "Stark you seeing this?"

"Seeing still working on believing," Tony quipped as he flew past the group after a rather large alien that kept spewing more aliens from within its body.

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