Part 7

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Part 7 (1233 Words)

"Welcome to my lab. Well, at least for now." Banner awkwardly says to Tony who was still wheeling Violet around in a swivel chair. "We've got all the toys. O-or so I've been told..."

"Alright, I'll park you here. And you can..." Tony started before turning to Banner. "Wait, why did you want the kid again?"

"She seemed to know a good amount about what we're dealing with, it couldn't hurt to have an extra set of eyes, and hands," Banner stated as he continued hooking Loki's scepter up to the digitized GM detector. "Although I can't help but be curious as to how she knows."

"Huh, now that I think of it I was yesterday old when I learned about it, and I'm me. So how did she, and when?"

"Please stop talking about me as if I'm not here," Violet says her voice ringing with boredom.

"Heh, sorry." Dr. Banner immediately apologized while Tony just put his hands up in surrender sarcastically.

"It's cool. No one really expects some teenage kid from the slums to understand something as complicated as thermonuclear astrophysics or antielectron collisions. Especially when you're a girl. But ah, that's a whole nother conversation." Violet said as she spun around in the swivel chair till the GM detector finally beeped and the results were displayed.

"The Gamma readings are definitely consistent with Selvig's reports of the tesseract. But it's going to take weeks to process."

"If we bypass their mainframe and direct route it to the homer cluster we can clock this at around 600 tfs'," Tony claimed while typing into one of the lab's many computers. "You know, you should come by Stark Tower sometime. You'd love it. The top ten floors are all R&D, it's like Candy Land."

"Thanks but the last time I was in New York, I kinda broke Harlem."

"It would take a lot more than you to break Harlem, take it from me. I've lived there half my life and somehow it's still not up in flames." Violet said calmly while lighting the tip of one of her fingers on fire and spinning the flame around her hand like one would a pencil.

"How are you doing that?"

"I don't really know, honestly I don't ever remember not being able to do it," Violet says as she increases the size of the flame before extinguishing it with a wave of her other hand. "Anyway, Tony you were about to say something?"

"Ahem, well Dr. Banner I promise a stress-free environment. No tension, or surprises." Violet quickly realized what was in Tony's hand but before she could reach out and stop him he zapped Banner with a small electric prong.


"Tony!" Violet scolded.

"Hey!" Cap yelled as he entered the room right in time to catch Tony.

"Nothing?" Tony asks Banner.

"Are you nuts?" Cap scolds Tony. Although to be completely honest Mother Teresa herself could scold him and he wouldn't even bat an eye.

"Jury's out. You really do have a lid on it. What's your secret? Jazz? Bongos? Weed?" Tony badgered poor Banner who just wanted to get back to work.

"Is everything a joke to you?" Cap asks.

"Funny things are."

"Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny. No offense Doc." Cap points out.

"It's alright. I wouldn't have come if I couldn't handle...pointy...things?" Banner looked very apathetic in that moment and Violet wanted to give the poor guy a hug but they did just meet and all.

"Your tip-toeing, big man. You need to strut." Tony continued.

"And you need to focus on the problem at hand Mr. Stark," Cap said, angry and clearly annoyed.

"Do you think I'm not? Why did Fury call us in? Why now? Why not before? What isn't he telling us? I can't do the equation unless I have all the variables." Tony ranted while eating some blueberries. Where did he got said blueberries from? Only God could say. Actually even he might not have known.

"You think Fury's hiding something?" Cap scoffed.

"He's a spy. Captain, he's 'the' spy! Even his secrets have secrets." Tony starts. "It's bugging them too, isn't it?"

"Not me, I'd rather not know everyone's secrets. At least not without their permission. Honestly, with this group of people, I don't see how we can fail. With or without whatever you think Fury is hiding." Violet tried to remain on the positive side hoping it could defuse the rough tension.

"You see kid, this isn't some fairy tale story your mom would read to you at bedtime. This is the real world, and knowledge is power." Tony said without a hint of regret. "You know, kid, your living proof that Fury is hiding stuff from us."

"I don't have a mom, Stark. And I have no clue what you're talking about or why you'd bring all this up now." Violet mutters before slumping into her seat, clearly hurt by Tony's poor choice of words.

"You see, I doubt Fury just stumbled across you one day, and even if he did, they've known about you long enough for Romanoff to build a forty something page file about you. Not even mine has that many pages!" Tony argued.

"So what," Violet yelled back, she was finding it harder and harder to keep her emotions and powers in check as tears threatened to fall.

"So, once my decryption program finishes 'liberating' all of Shield's secure files, I'll be sure to look you up. Maybe you do have a mom after all."

"What did you just say?" Cap said lowly.

"You heard me Rodgers. This is an intelligence organization that fears intelligence, historically that's not awesome."

"I think Loki is trying to wind us up. This is a man who means to start a war. If we don't stay focused he will succeed." Cap reasoned.

"I agree with Cap. We have orders, we should follow them." Violet said with a small hiccup at the end.

"Following is not really my style," Tony announced as if it wasn't fairly obvious.

"And you're all about style aren't you?" Cap spat.

"Of the people in this room, which one is A. wearing a spangly outfit, and B. Not of use." Tony spat back.

"Tony..." Violet wasn't sure why but something in her gut was telling her this wasn't the normal Tony, as if this lashing out behavior was caused by something else.

"Steve tell me none of this smells even remotely funky to you?" Banner asked softly.

"Just find the Cube," Cap said as he walked out clearly done with the conversation. And Tony.

"That's really the guy my dad never shut up about?" Tony continued. Violet's head was starting to hurt and she felt her power surging. The last time she felt like this she burned down a foster home. Luckily no one was hurt but, it did mean 'arson suspect' would forever be on her record. It's one of the main reasons finding a 'forever' family never happened for Violet, even though it was just an accident.

"I'm gonna take a walk before I 'accidentally' answer Nat's question." Violet tsked, she walked out into the hallway and decided she needed to find a place to cool down. Of course since Violet was a touch more sensitive to the cold she actually went to find a place to warm up.


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