Part 3

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Part 3 (666 words)
    Violet opened her eyes to a bright light. At first she thought she might be dead but the pounding headache and the dryness of her throat told her she was still alive. It took her eyes a minute to adjust but eventually she was able to keep them open long enough to take in her surroundings.

She was laying down on a white bed similar to one at a doctors office with large glass windows that exposed her to whoever was walking by in the hall. Although the room was equipped with a variety of medical tools and computers it didn't look like a hospital.

"Good morning, Miss Violet." Violet heard the robotic voice of Jarvis say from a hidden speaker in the room.

"Where the hell am I?" Violet asked with a scowl.

"You are at Stark Tower, I have informed Mr. Stark you have awoken and he should be here shortly."

"And why am I here?" Violet asked as she sat up and rubbed her temples.

"Because for some absurd reason 'Phil' demanded I make new friends." Violet heard someone say sassily as they entered the room. Violet immediately recognized him as Tony Stark.


"Nope, my turn. How'd you get your powers?" Tony quickly responded.

"Born with them. Now why did 'Phil' have you kidnap me?" Violet retorted just as quickly.

"Uh-huh, and how do you expect to pay me back for the nets you burnt to a crisp?" Tony said as if he didn't hear Violet's question.

"Why would I reimburse my kidnapper?"

"Jesus kid, is 'why' your favorite word or something?"

"At the moment. You do realize that if you'd hurry up and answer me I'd stop asking, right?" Violet sassed.

"Touche. Okay listen kid you've been on Shield's radar for a fat minute now. Ever since you 'accidentally' burnt down your third foster family's home when you were thirteen."

"What's Shield? And why are they monitoring me?" Violet interrupted.

"It's an organization that was created to protect the earth from threats."

"I'm not a threat." Violet interrupted again.

"Didn't say you were." Tony quipped.

"Then why am I here?"

"Obviously because they want you to help us save the planet, duh," Tony said as he leaned up against the wall.

"You're kidding, right? And just who is this 'us'?"

"Wish I was, and 'us' is the ragtag group of wannabe superheroes known as the 'Avengers', at least according to shield. I'm thinking of changing the name, to something with more me in it."

"Well, count me out. In a few weeks, I'll age out of the foster care system and then I can finally be in charge of myself."

"Yeah, no. You see, Shield has arranged for you to be placed under their supervision, your foster mom met with an agent shortly after Jarvis escorted you here."

"You mean kidnapped me."

"Technically, from a legal standpoint, it wasn't kidnapping so much as an abduction."

"How is that any better?!"

"I don't know, I'm not a lawyer." Tony sassed.

"So let me get this straight. Shield told Phil to tell you to send a robot to 'abduct' me so I will help them save the planet?"

"Pretty much."

"And what exactly am I saving the world from?"

"Aliens. Well, actually, just one alien. But he's got this really powerful cube, and horns, it's a whole thing, you'll see."

"Aliens. Riiiight." Violet scoffed in disbelief before sassing Tony. "Next you'll be saying we'll be taking down a god."

"Yep. He's an alien god. The alien god of mischief. Loki." Tony said with a straight face clearly not joking. "Listen, kid, It's either this or you can go back to doing chores all day for Ms. Hannigan like Annie."

"Do I actually have a choice?"

"No. Not really. So I'd choose wisely."

"Fine. Let's go save the world." Violet mumbled grumpily.

"There's that enthusiasm I was looking for!" Tony sassed. "Now follow me, we're late to a party."


Avengers Assemble! Violet Book 1Where stories live. Discover now