♥ Chapter 7 - Freedom ♥

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"I've always wondered what Nightmare is doing while I suffer the pain he felt.. or is this even close? He had people to comfort me.. while I'm here just.. waiting for freedom or death." I sat down. "I can't tell.. the world out there is something I am unable to access. brother- I mean Nightmare! I hope your alright."

It was getting harder to breathe by the seconds, he could feel his non existent chest squeezing itself.

"You should have been a better younger brother for him.. No! You are a great brother, Dream! You can't be sad and you have to remember that.. The Guardian of Positivity cannot be negative.. right?.." I trailed off, rocking myself back and fourth.


Hearing my SOUL crack, I was forcibly pulled out of my mindscape and back into the world that was rotting without the Tree of Feelings to balance it. I was on the ground with pieces of stone beside me, it was oddly soft but it still kept me from moving.

I sighed, standing up and stretched. Hearing my bones pop, I relaxed and almost investigated my surroundings. The Tree of Feelings cut off as there was dust, blood and bodies that were so cracked that I felt like I was about to puke all the remaining food that I last ate.

"So this is what the world looks like now after so many centuries of being abandoned.. It looks like a total mess." I stated, not expecting it to be so bad but I should have since it has been somewhere over four hundred years or more.

With a curious mind, I decided to roam around the village ruins, there were ashes that could be mistaken as white sand. There were no survivors of the fire, none were alive and even if some survived, Nightmare would either kill them or they would die from starvation and many things like that because without shelter, animals could be attracted to the bodies that are left here.

"Heh.. I really thought Nightmare left me for real, I guess I was right.. I wonder what his reaction would be when he figures out that I'm freed?" I questioned, putting my hand to my chin. "Probably anger.. maybe a bit of sadness, but still angry at me for sure."

Still alone, it wasn't much different when I was still in stone.. "Seriously? I wish I was still a statue.. nobody is around here anyways.. it gets boring overtime." I rolled my eyes, heading over to the cut off tree and sitting beside it.

I stood up, waiting for something to happen, nothing. "Honestly, what did
you expect, a fairy to guide me? or an emotionless freak?"

"This is just so frustrating but time to recall everything.." I took a deep breath even if we can't breathe, just pretend. "I woke up with Night waking up first and we introduced ourselves, we bond together. Then, villagers came over and built a village down our hill but left us alone. After that, left Night alone and forced to watch him suffer because I cannot get involved or his head will be hanged. I am aware he gets beaten up everyday but I ignored that so he won't die.. he and also I could have faced worst.... My brother eats all the apples we were suppose to protect since that was our whole purpose of why we exist. Now, I'm trapped in this AU with nobody." I loudly sighed and rubbed my skull.

"Life is unfair, is it not? And that is the most I've ever spoken in my whole life." I heard a portal open beside me.

"Wow, what happened to this AU?" The stranger asked, which spooked me a bit but came back to my senses.

"Huh? Who are you?" I asked the stranger, who came out of an ink portal from the ground.

Reincarnated as Dream with DifferencesWhere stories live. Discover now