♥ Chapter 19 - Goopy Situation ♥

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I opened the door to spot Blue but he was beside the window, where someone was sitting at. "Blue?!" I called out, the person on the window jumped out. I hope they are okay since Blue's room is on the second floor but the walls are oddly tall for space to teleport and stuff like that.

"Oh god! Is that person okay?!" I gasped, running up to the window to check if that person is okay with jumping off such a high house but Blue stopped me.

"Blue? Did they hurt you?! Are they okay?! Are you okay?!" I asked, shaking him because of how wary I was and stopped to inspect him. He shook his head and that was a signal for me to stop. "Alright.. you uhm.. call me when they come back, alright?"

"It's alright if you don't tell me the truth or just don't tell me completely, I understand." I repeated the same sentence to Ink last time we talked, Blue ignored it but smiled before snapping out of his stance to ask a question. "What are you doing in my room?"

"Well, me and Ink just came back from whatever and I just decided to call you so we can have a little bond, I guess??" It sounded more like a wonder than an explanation but we went downstairs anyways.

We found Ink still in the living room, sketching something in his sketchpad that he was very focused on due to his eyes changing color from time to time and the sound of erasing a lot.

"Ink? I got Blue?" I stated, no response from the Inky skeleton, he was still too focused on his sketch. Blue had an emotion that was curiousity, he wants to look at Ink's sketch but knows how angry he would be.

"What should we do now?" Blue asks, I responded with only two words, so simple but confusing from Blue's reaction. "We wait." I responded.

"Wait why?" Blue wonders, confused but it seems he had forgotten the last time the incident happened, I can't blame him because people forgets trauma, well temporarily.

"You don't remember the incident? It was the last time we bothered Ink while he was busy drawing.." I trailed off, remembering so clearly on what happened.

It was a normal day– not. Ink drew the Sakura tree they visited just a while ago and started with the leaves to the grass nearby and the trees, he was almost done before Blue wanted to peek in on his drawing. Ink wasn't ready to show them yet!

Ink threw Blue across the wall as he broke his pen in anger and glared at Blue, Blue was scared. So scared that the negativity started to kill me again. Ink walked closer to Blue before the incident happened. The end..

Looking away from both of them to avoid eye contact, I headed to the kitchen. It was still noon and we wanted lunch, it was my turn to prepare anyways.


Ink overheard the small conversation and sees the discomfort coming from Dream.

He dropped his sketchpad but closes it because Blue is right beside him and he cannot risk someone seeing his precious work.

"You, Dream. Should not be overworking yourself to the point that you will act weird, such as spacing out most of the time." Ink says.

Dream looks away in shame, hearing their SOUL crack from the immense negativity coming from themselves.

Dream looks at them, his eyes were no longer stars. Just circled eyelights that showed no sparkle.

"I'm fine, we protectors to not need breaks because we are immortal after all, that's our purpose. To protect." Dream stated in the most logical way possible.

"Right.. I feel the Bad Sans destroying an AU, c'mon!" Ink yelled, creating an inky puddle to the AU.

It was an Outertale AU, not the original one ofcourse. Not like the Bad Sans can enter original AUs.

We came out of the portal. Ink having broomie out, Blue holding his bone attacks and I'm ready on my bow.

"You're finally come, haven't you?" Nightmare laughed, the tensions rising in an incredibly fast rate.

"Took ya guys long enough." Killer mumbled, no fight got out. Just us staring at eachother with death.

Not literally death. I've given up trying to touch death a long time ago due to figuring out I was immortal.

As many says, the past is the past after all. Fate is unpredictable and can do many things to a person.

Suddenly, an attack was launched from behind me. A bone struck my chest, a long one.

I went down my knees, coughing up blood before passing out on the cold ground.

Reincarnated as Dream with DifferencesWhere stories live. Discover now