♥ Chapter 32 - Multiverse Catastrophe ♥

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When Error finally stopped laughing, they grinned at Blue. Who was still shaking in fear.

"OH Y-YOU WOULD REGRET-RET TELLING US." Error made the strings on Blue tighter, to the point that Blue could not even breathe.

"ERROR! LEAVE HI-" Dream cried out, cut off by Nightmare's tentacles that covered his mouth.

Dream could only watch in horror, no not Horror Sans. "Uhm. . What in the multiverse is happening?" Mumbled Ink.

Yes, Ink lost his memories in the most terrifying moment possible. "Wait. . WHY DO YOU HAVE BLUE, ERROR?!" Ink yelled.

The destroyer only silently laughed in response, Blue was now free from the strings but almost lifeless.

Dream was crying yellow tears, that could be mistaken as gold if you look close enough.

Nightmare grinned, sensing the negativity that Dream is creating. There was little positivity left in the multiverse.

"Why do you even do your job?! Don't you see around you, 'brother'? You've failed everyone, even your friends. ." Nightmare stated.

The tentacle that was around Dream's mouth had let go, but the rest still held Dream down.

"You may be right brother. . and. . I think I agree with you for the last time." Dream replied, smiling.

Nightmare was confused, not until the multiverse shook. The deities were angry that their multiverse is about to collapse.

Error lost grip of Ink, causing Ink to drop to the floor before standing up. "WHAT T-THE HELL IS HAPPENING NOW?" Error snapped at Ink.


"THERE WAS A BA-BALANCE?!" Error was about to self destruct at this point, but this realization was too late as Horror was fading.

"What is happening to me?!" Horror could only scream in desperation before his voice faded.

"What did you do dream?!" Nightmare shouted, blaming Dream for some odd reason, even if it was not his fault.

"I did not do anything!" Dream protested, the multiverse shook once again. "I tried to keep you all safe!"

Nightmare didn't believe him, Dream was full of lies that nobody wants to know. He is right.

The tentacles that held Dream retreated back to their owner. "WE KNOW YOU DIDN'T! YOUR JUST A STUPID GUARDIAN THAT DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO DO THEIR JOB!" Nightmare yelled.

At this point, Dream was at the edge of the cliff, that led to the void of nothingness.

If Dream was lucky or unlucky, he could fall of to the void but if he was not lucky, just float forever.

"I KNOW WHAT THE VILLAGERS HAD DONE TO!. . I understand your anger but-" Dream was cut off by his brother.

"YOU DONT UNDERSTAND MY ANGER!" Nightmare's tentacles sharpened. "If you did, you would have helped me when I needed it."

Dream was crying hard, barely any positivity filled the air of the multiverse.

He backed up slowly, his brother was blinded by rage. Dream's eyelights shined as he had gotten too close to the edge.

A crack, he heard more. Dream was way too late to realize that he is about to fall off the edge, only noticing when he already did so.

The world slowed down for him, his last moments. He could see his brother smirking in pride, he won.

'What did I do to deserve this? Have I done something wrong to you, Night? Was it because of my selfishness?' Dream thought.

He wanted to curl up into a ball, go back to the past and fix his mistakes that he made along the way.

He needed Night, his real brother. But he had to be strong for everyone, he could hear Ink's voice echoing.

Calling out his name for the last time, he closed his eyes. He accepted fate, he wanted death a long time ago anyways.

"Another Dream?"

Reincarnated as Dream with DifferencesWhere stories live. Discover now