♥ Chapter 46 - Back to The Very Start ♥

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I woke up as if the world was crushing my soul, well it wasn't in the stable shape at the moment so it's no wonder why. I put a hand at where my soul should be, but didn't dare to pull it out as I didn't want to see what it looked like after putting so much pressure on it.

I then realized my dream or shall I say Nightmare, it was ironic really since my name is Dream.. or atleast that's who I came to be. Thinking back on who I used to be, It is all just so blurry... Did I even die? Or maybe It was all just a realistic dream I had about dying.

But problems stacked onto eachother, now I had to deal with my brother messing with my mind. "...Was it just a dream?" Probably not, since his name is quite literally Nightmare and has the power to control minds in some extent like I can do too.

"This won't deter my hope to bring you back, brother.." I said to myself, standing up but still not very awake. Everything was a bit blurry but it was expected as I had just awoken, my body flinched when I realized I couldn't sense any positivity nor negativity within this au. Why were the surroundings so awfully.. silent? So.. emotionless?

I then had another realization and yet another problem, I seemed to be in a random au except it was played in the surface instead of the underground unlike most aus... It reminded me of mine back then, but mine used to be so lively. I'm sure It's long destroyed by Error now, but I'm not sure if that glitch can destroy originals.

While thinking to myself, something in the distance had caught my attention. Despite the enormous shadows of darkness and dark clouds looming over the area, I was able to see that there rested a village upon the valley below me but it was so familiar.. where have I seen this before?

Curiosity took over my body as I moved on auto pilot and went down to check out the village, it was devoid of life and any emotion but there was tingling feeling that life force once rested in this same place. I couldn't shake the familiarity it had but.. I noticed something on the ground, yes it might be a trap that someone might have placed, but curiosity got the best of me.

Picking up the strange object, I felt the texture.. it was made out of fabric yet stripped of it's true color, reminds me of someone I hold dearly. A closer inspection led me to believe it is a toy crown but I made slow movement, since I was worried that this is an ambush. After all, the last few days have been quite chaotic.

Chaotic it might be, I wasn't the type to handle it well as I'm used to the neat side. Looking up at this aus sky, it was like the moon stared back at me from above and beyond before being covered by the dark clouds. Tightening my grip with the crown, I decided to keep it somewhere.. perhaps my head can be used as temporary storage, putting it on my head.

Something just felt off about this toy crown and even more when wearing it, I couldn't get a hang of what felt so wrong to hold but felt relieved for whatever reason. Relief.. been sometime since I've felt any genuine feelings, helping everyone around me never seemed to work despite how 'relaxing' it is.

Turning around, I then looked up at the hill that I had my start at before turning back to the village. Huh, never thought that as a baby bones I always ran atleast a mile to head to the village.. but that was no question to linger on, I had to find the answers of my questions than making more to answer.

I wish to leave this world soon since it was so suspiciously familiar, was this the village that I once used to 'care' about..? The place that I once considered home? No.. that can't be the case, but it explains why I was having this feeling. Deciding that staying here would bring up past memories, I looked around for a way to escape. This appeared to be me in a comatose state so that meant I was still dreaming, right? Maybe I can think of a more niche memory than this?

If luck is on my side that is.. though I wonder, what if I checked myself while dreaming? Will it work like a mirror? Eh, I can test my theory out later once I want to get out of my dream-ish state. Thinking back in the past and searching for memories that was more, nicer than this but looking back... I don't think I really had a memory of joy.

The most joyful memories I've had is also the most darkest times that when Nightmare used to be.. whatever, he's far too gone for me to reach. I've given him too many chances, too many apologies and too many words that he probably didn't even bat an ear to listen. Very stubborn, as I always knew him as...

I then realized that I was now elsewhere, a place that felt way too deep for me to explain. It was just a forest, right...? A dark, eerily yet familiar forest that is. Wait.. no no no no no... It cant be.... Isn't this where it all started? I have to get out of here.. I'm not suppose to be here, I wasn't suppose to remember any of this once I was resurrected..

I ran away but it seemed all too familiar, as if I was replaying and I was running away from that murderer again. A cat and mouse game, as one would say in the position he was in, a psychopath to make it clear. It as if I was the mouse and he was the cat, chasing me all over the forest and treated it like I was merely for games. No no no no no no... I can't give up just yet... I must find....

I halted at the side of a river, thinking about nothing else but finding a way out of this place. This awful person that found every way to use me for their own benefit. I hated it and felt extremely paranoid, what was going to happen..? Is this the end? Am I going to die the exact same way? I had no idea if the person was following me, or if they were even here but even so, adrenaline kicked in.

I glanced behind me and saw what was a silhouette of a human figure, was my mind playing tricks on me..? Was it an actual person trying to help me or were they just like everyone else...? I obviously didn't stick to find out the answer. It didn't help that the bushes around me rustled and the forest suddenly grew quiet like a predator is nearby, it only helped grow my paranoia at best.

The only thing on my mind was escape. Run. And check. If I am dreaming, which I hope I still am, I might be able to wake up from this horrible place which would have been easy, right? No, if it was that easy then I should have been awake long ago when I found out I was simply dreaming all of this... Did I have to like.. punch myself? Drown myself?

Turns out I didn't have to do all those extreme ideas because I snapped out of my panic to realize that I was surprisingly back to where I am, my temporary room and that also meant I was back in the mansion.. Atleast I was finally back after one heck of a ride but my soul ached right away from all the overwhelming negativity in the place, what happened while I was gone?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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