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Chapter 31 _ Chapter 31 _


accustomed to relying on force to bully are often vulnerable to stronger force.

Shen Shi'an held a stick in one hand, and his expression was not even vicious, but the group of people who were clamoring to snatch his backpack and divide his things just a moment ago looked like mice who had seen the light, you pushed me, I pushed you, but there was nothing One dares to step forward—

is willing to try, what would it feel like if the stick that had pierced hundreds of zombie skulls pierced his body.

silence of the room, Shen Shi'an's clear voice sounded coldly: " If you want to get more supplies, there are still three floors upstairs that have not been cleaned up. Just join in the cleaning operation and distribute according to work. It should be your share." I won't give you less. If you don't have the guts to face zombies and want to get something for nothing, then just wait and starve to death."

" Mr. Shen is right." Zhang Ze, who had been silent all this time, suddenly took a few steps forward, as if he had never planned to stay out of the matter, and stood next to Shen Shi'an with the strongest backing posture, and his eyes were sharp from behind the lens And cold: " Is it possible that the life of hiding in the safe zone is so comfortable that many people have forgotten the most basic fact - every bit of supplies you get is collected by the participants at the risk of their lives?" Come here, without the dedication of the participants, you would have starved to death long ago. Mr. Shen is especially responsible for this, and instead of being grateful, you want to rob him of his personal income? What is the difference between this behavior and bandits? Not only Shameless and absolutely unforgivable!"

He looked around coldly for a week, looking at those left behind no longer with the gentle and polite eyes of the past, but as if he was looking down on some kind of insignificant low-level creature: " Today, all troublemakers cancel the right to distribute materials, do you have any opinions?"?"

Shen Shi'an looked at his easy- going leadership posture, and suddenly understood.

Everyone distributes supplies according to their work. Among them, those left behind do not participate in the zombie clean-up operation, but they can get a small amount of food through the cleaning work afterwards. This method was proposed by Zhang Ze.

There are three reasons.

First, use the high-sounding reason of " strive for everyone to live together " to build their own prestige among survivors;

Second, split the survivors into two camps, the left-behinds and the participants, and select members among the participants to gradually develop a group headed by themselves.

Third, nourish the cowardice and inertia of those left behind. How dangerous it is to confront a zombie head-on, even if it's just a cut by the opponent's nails, the end is sure to die. If you only need to hide in a safe area and get supplies after cleaning, why not do it? Although there are a little less things, it is better to be able to maintain life than to die at the hands of zombies and become a monster!

Laziness and greed are often inseparable. The less these people get each time, the deeper the envy of those who have enough supplies, and it will even lead to " my job is dirty and tiring, and I pay no less labor than him, why should he get what he gets?" Just more than me " and other thoughts to paralyze myself.

Such jealousy and greed are deliberately leading the next step to accumulate and concentrate on Shen Shi'an. As long as the fuel is slowly added to the fire, sooner or later there will be an outbreak. What Zhang Ze was waiting for was such an opportunity——

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