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Chapter 166 _ Chapter 166 _


In mid-April, the temperature quickly rose to about 15 degrees, and most of the ice accumulated throughout the winter melted. The mission center also officially released a mandatory large-scale group mission for the whole city:

All survivors must contribute money, materials or efforts, and must all participate in the mission, and use the whole city's efforts to clean up the absolute dead zone.

And long before the mission was released, everyone in Sharp Blade had a discussion about the severe situation in the absolute death zone.

" Level 4 supernatural zombies have evolved in the dead zone," Tang Song pushed his glasses while sitting at the conference table: " This is almost a certainty, and there may be more than one."

from Lin Ruan 's encounter with a level-3 zombie and a level-2 zombie just outside the perimeter, not only the level- 4 zombies, but after the whole winter's dormant period, the number of zombies of each level may be There has been a leapfrog growth.

Xu Ge was full of worry: "The fourth- level zombies can control nearly one million low-level zombies at the same time. How can this be done?"

Even without considering how strong the fourth-level zombies themselves are, the concept of millions of zombies obeying the same command and attacking at the same time is simply unimaginable. Once encountered, the survivors will definitely face an unprecedented fierce battle.

Chen Nan looked at Shen Shi'an: " Captain, according to what Mr. Care said, the task of cleaning up the dead zone is to be released to the whole base. Everyone must participate, right?"

Shen Shi'an nodded: "Ordinary people can contribute by providing supplies or logistics services, and supernatural beings can also use supplies or points to offset the clean-up obligation, but the requirements for the proportion of capital contribution will be higher, and combat personnel organized by supernatural beings are not allowed to Less than sixty percent of the total population."

Except for the non-combatants and the experimental building, Shen Shi'an, the sharp blade, is going to dispatch all the staff this time, even if for no other reason, as long as the dead zone is cleaned up, Hexiu will lose a large energy reserve.

" In this way, the total number of people participating in the battle is at least five or six hundred thousand," Xiong Manshan clicked his tongue: " It seems that the management is determined to take the death zone to one hand this time."

" It can't be right, Brother Xiong, think about it, not to mention the fact that the gold rush team has disappeared hundreds of people inside, even if we don't take the initiative to enter, the death zone is less than 60 kilometers away from the base. Super zombies break through the Great Wall and run out with millions of soldiers, then the situation will be troublesome."

Lin Ruan nodded: "This is a tough battle, but it has to be fought sooner or later. As long as the big cancer in the dead zone can be eliminated, at least there will be no zombie tide that will pose a threat to the capital base for at least half a year."

Tao Yuan asked: " Captain, who are we going this time?"

" Cleaning up the dead zone is a protracted battle. The tens of millions of zombies in it cannot be solved in a day or two. It is expected that this task will last at least two to three months. So in addition to the personnel in the laboratory building continuing to study the virus, the others are divided into two groups, one group stays behind and the other goes out to fight in rotation. Before the fourth-level zombies are dealt with, Xun Xun and I will lead the team. In addition, Fang Zhou and Lu Xiuyuan have special abilities. Every time you need to participate, Chen Nan also, we need you to take Jiamu to manipulate low-level zombies as a cover."

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