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Chapter 51 _ Chapter 51 _


Shen Shi'an's sudden promotion of kung fu was completely beyond Shen Shi'an's expectations. It was less than two months before the advancement in the library. He thought it would take some time before he could make a breakthrough.

The only explanation is that the one-to-one-ten-thousand battle in the square greatly promoted the improvement of skills —— During the whole battle, Shen Shi'an entered the state of spiritual exhaustion 28 times, consuming a total of 143 spiritual springs. bottle, pushing himself into desperation several times, such an extreme battle on the edge of life and death, no matter it is for the improvement of skills or the stimulation of potential, it is incalculable.

Not only the advanced time was unexpected, but the entire advanced process was also very different from last time: in the library, the advanced performance was a fever in the dantian, which lasted for twelve days, and this time The first step was completed within half an hour.

After thinking about it, it is necessary to absorb a huge amount of spiritual energy when advancing. In the real world, the spiritual energy is too thin. It takes a long time to obtain enough spiritual energy, so the process of advancing is slow. And the spiritual energy in the space, especially the spiritual spring, is abundant, so that it can be completed quickly in a short period of time is the normal state that should be advanced.

It's a pity that the spring has been sucked dry again.

Shen Shi'an was a little surprised, but not worried — there were forty to fifty thousand zombies in the county where they were located.

"To be exact, it's fifty-two thousand four hundred and thirty-two zombies." After being led around the county by Shen Shi'an, Liu Fangzhou reported the exact number: " Among them thirty-eight thousand six hundred and eight mutant zombies. Sixteen."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Xun raised his knife and chopped off a zombie's head.

"... now it's thirty-eight thousand six hundred and eighty-five."

enough. And save a ton of extra money. Shen Shi'an made some calculations in his mind, and at the same time, he took a closer look at Liu Fangzhou's supernatural powers: After one night, the rain slowed down a lot, but it still kept falling, even though his five senses were improved due to advanced exercises It was more than doubled, and it was still disturbed by the sound of rain and water, but these factors were completely irrelevant to Liu Fangzhou.

The young man withdrew his eyes from the cold blade of Tang Dao, his calf trembled twice, and turned to Shen Shi'an," Brother Shen, are you planning to kill all the zombies in the entire county?"

Shen Shi'an didn't answer him, but looked at Chen Nan through the rain that rolled down the edge of the umbrella: " What do you think?"

Chen Nandao: "I'll listen to Brother Shen."

Cleaning up the county is certainly feasible. Without the control of supernatural zombies, the zombies in the entire county are scattered, and they can be defeated individually in guerrilla warfare. The importance of the crystal nucleus is self-evident, so many ready-made treasures are in front of you, it would be a pity if you let them go. And because there were very few survivors, almost none of the supplies in the county had been searched.

But maybe Brother Shen has other considerations? Maybe there's something else he hasn't considered?

Anyway, just leave it to smart people to use their brains, and he has no objection to Brother Shen's decision.

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