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Chapter 266 _ Chapter 266 _


" Fucking fucker, where did you come from, you little brat!"

Angrily cursing sounded in the ears of the four teenagers. A supernatural being raised his hand and formed a shield wall with a diameter of more than two meters in mid-air to help them block another boulder. He turned his head and continued to curse: " Leng What are you doing, get out of here! Find a place to hide! He 's going to die, isn't he!"

four of them were stunned, unable to recover from the sudden change.

The scorching sun in the sky was like a fire, and hundreds of huge boulders were flying from outside the city and crashing down like a shower of rain.

The temporary garrison area on the city wall and inside the wall has become a mess. The towering city wall was smashed into two gaps by huge boulders. The wall collapsed and fell, and many people could be vaguely seen falling down together. Outside the gap, the tide of corpses rolled, and the dense army of zombies wanted to rush in through the gap like crazy.

supernatural beings ran out of the tent one after another, some roared and gave orders, some rushed to fight and resisted fiercely, and some didn't even know what happened, and were smashed into a puddle of flesh by the stones falling from the sky.

The flames adhering to the boulder ignited the tent, and a raging fire ignited in the camp area. Screams, roars, and sirens sounded together, and the four teenagers stood in the middle of the chaotic crowd, their livers and gallbladders were broken, and they were at a loss what to do.

Liu Ziqing 's face was full of tears: " We, let's run."

The little fat man was shaking like a sieve, and stretched out his hand to grab Yang Chenyu's clothes: " Brother Yu, my legs are weak and I can't move..."

Yang Chenyu's face was as white as paper, he gritted his teeth, turned around and grabbed the fat man's arm, and dragged him forward: " Let's go! Find a place to hide first!"

The four figures fled in the flames of war like frightened birds. Just after running about ten meters away, there was a sound of breaking through the air behind them. Under the clear sky, a large shadow appeared in front of them out of thin air.

Liu Ziqing twisted her hair and screamed piercingly. The little fat man's legs gave way and he fell to the ground. The other boy also closed his eyes in horror.

Yang Chenyu raised his left hand desperately and unwillingly, and the dead wood around his wrist swelled against the wind, forming a shield in front of the four of them, making the last futile resistance.

huge boulder approached in no time, and it was about to smash the wooden shield and the four teenagers to pieces. A huge vine as thick as two people hugging each other, dark green and dotted with golden spots roared from outside the city wall, like a giant python swallowing the sky., The python's head opened wide and cracked into countless branches, swallowing the thunderous boulder into a firm wrap, tightening it suddenly, and twisting it into countless pieces.

The fist -sized gravel fell to the ground, and the young man who opened his eyes was stunned and said in shock: "... What is this?"

More than one vine, a total of more than 20 vines protruded from outside the city at the same time, like a wild python dancing, just covering the 29th and 30th sections of the city wall and the camp area inside the city wall within the protective range, within half a minute. With a little effort, the huge boulders that were smashed all over the sky were cleaned up.

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