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Chapter 291 _ Chapter 291 _


Tang Song wanted to study this issue was mainly because of a sentence Ruan Fangjun said at the time.

" She wanted to persuade Lin Ruan to accept the transformation of the zombie virus like her, and provided Lin Ruan with a crystal nucleus that would allow him to evolve directly to the fourth level after becoming a zombie, and to evolve to the fourth level, have a consciousness of their own, ' she said."

——It is " possessing " one's own consciousness, not " recovering " one's own consciousness.

Shen Shi'an frowned: " Do you suspect that the consciousness of a high-level zombie is not the restoration of its sanity when it was a human being, but the re-evolution of the ' zombie ' species?"

" That's right. Even more radically, I think it's actually ' virus ' consciousness."

What exactly is a zombie virus?

So far, Tang Song has made many speculations about this.

Every speculation will be overturned or adjusted as the understanding of viruses and crystal nuclei deepens.

learning that Lu Xiuyuan 's soul did not dissipate with death but was transferred to the crystal nucleus, he was able to deduce with certainty that the supernatural virus is actually an organic life form developed by a high-level civilization, This kind of living body has been precisely programmed, and its fundamental purpose is to strengthen the host body, promote its evolutionary abilities, and generate a consciousness transfer device in the brain that is triggered by death, that is, the crystal nucleus.

However, this kind of living body had a certain mutation in the process of spreading to Kaios, and was brought to this world by Hexiu to combine with human genes. A person with supernatural powers; while the other part further mutated and turned into a zombie virus.

If the supernatural virus is an " original version " developed by a high-level civilization for the purpose of serving the creator, then the zombie virus is the " blackened and collapsed " version.

So, does the zombie virus after " blackening " have wisdom?

Are viruses intelligent?

HIV virus familiar to humans as an example. After they enter the human body, they will take immune cells T cells as the main attack target, invade the inside of T cells by fusing the envelope protein of the virus outer layer with the cell membrane, and then reverse transcriptase Under the action of the virus, the viral RNA is transcribed into double-stranded DNA, disguised as normal genetic material, and then enters the nucleus, using integrase to insert its own DN□□ segment into the chromosome of T cells, hijacking the protein synthesis function of T cells, so as to achieve persistence, covert replication diffusion——

sounds very smart, and even has a complete set of combat strategies.

However, the scientific community generally believes that viruses have no intelligence, and it is impossible to have intelligence. They are not even living things. They have no cell structure and are just the simplest form of life. All the materials and energy required for its life activities are stolen from the host cells, and it is completely dependent on the host's energy, materials and metabolic systems.

The biggest difference between zombie virus and ordinary virus lies in this point.

to humans before the end of the world will parasitize the host while making the host weak, and eventually lead to the death of the host, and the death of the host means the death (or dormancy) of the virus. From this point of view, the virus is actually It is very " short-sighted ".

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