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Chapter 86 _ Chapter 86 _


Shen Shi'an and others walked along the street for about ten minutes, and finally chose a traditional Chinese medicine massage parlor as a resting place.

Almost all other supplies in the county town, especially food, were collected, but the massage parlor seemed to have never been visited. The six people harvested a large pile of wormwood-wrapped foot powder and a full set of cupping equipment.

Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou were in charge of moving things and clearing the space on the first floor. When they turned around, they found someone hiding outside the gate. They gritted their teeth anxiously and angrily," Why are you here with me again?"

Liu Fangzhou raised his head and shouted upstairs: " Brother Xun! Come down and kill someone!"

" Don't mind, I've said it all and I don't mean anything malicious, let's sit down and talk about it, can't we have a red face..." Before the words fell, I saw a small figure coming from the building with a big knife Going up and running down, his face changed and he disappeared from the door in an instant.

Shen Shi'an followed the child down and looked around the door: "He's here again?"

" Is n't it?" Chen Nan didn't have any good impressions of the strong man with flowery arms: " He said he wanted to sit down with us and have a good fight. What are you talking about? He's robbing people in broad daylight. He's shameless. Don't fight him for real. I think he won't learn a lesson if he fights with a real gun."

Liu Fangzhou's expression was strange, but he hesitated to speak: "... Brother Nan, your accent is misleading."

Chen Nan's expression froze, and he cursed secretly.

Tao Yuan closed and locked the gate, and installed a simple alarm device, so that if someone broke in at night, they would be able to detect it immediately. Xu Ge said: " I think that although the other party is a bit of a rascal, they really don't seem to have much malice towards us, except for grabbing the bag." But they only snatched the bag and didn't do anything. If they attack, I'm afraid no one can resist except Brother Shen and Xun Xun. That speed is simply terrifying.

" Be careful," Shen Shi'an said," It's best if he doesn't have any malicious intentions. If there are any plans behind the scenes, we have to be prepared. Fang Zhou will work harder tonight and take charge of the night watch, and catch up on sleep in the car tomorrow."

" Hey." Liu Fangzhou opened his eyes wide as soon as he nodded his head: " He's coming again!"

Everyone turned their heads in unison, and saw a big face stuck on the door glass. It was a little blurry in the already dim twilight, but it was undoubtedly a strong man with colorful arms.

The glass is light-shielding glass. The strong man blocked the light with his hands and quietly moved closer to the glass to look for a long time. Suddenly, a candle was lit inside, and then he met six pairs of murderous eyes. There are also two rows of small fangs of Gouzijing.

" Hey!" The brawny man jumped back in fright, covering his chest with his two big palms: " Why do you always like to scare Yin'er, what if I scare something wrong?"

Liu Fangzhou lowered his voice and said a word in a low voice, but because the strong man couldn't hear him through the door, on the contrary, because of the attitude of everyone listening patiently, he felt a little desire to communicate \': "I think the brothers are all Minger My Yin'er, as the saying goes, if you don't hit, you don't know each other. Do you think this is right? Let's let him pass away with the wind today. If you feel unhappy, you need to ask me to apologize again, or give me a good beating Eliminate the fire, it's easy to discuss Four no, we are all survivors, meeting is fate, after the end of the world, survival is not easy, so it's even more important to help each other to tide over the difficulties, Four no? My silver tiger is a bit of a tiger, but the ability is not bad, and there is plenty of strength. If there is anything that needs my help, it is a matter of one sentence! As long as I can take care of myself..."

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