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Chapter 241 _ Chapter 241 _


As soon as Jin Guang appeared, Shen Xun rushed towards Shen Shi'an, but he was still a step too slow. Shen Shi'an's clothes brushed against his fingertips, and disappeared in an instant.

Shen Xun's expression turned extremely ugly.

In an instant, it was as if the roaring waves of the deep sea emptied out, and a terrifying coercion surged out of him, shattering the formation that had covered the entire bamboo building for more than two thousand years in an instant. The ground shook violently, and a strong wind blew up outside the house. Even the mountain protection formation was quickly affected, and ripples appeared under the increasingly terrifying coercion.

Shen Xun drew out the Tang saber with a slap, and raised his hand to chop at the landscape painting.

"I don't want it!" Guangwei 's brow was sweating in fright, ignoring that he was almost vomiting blood due to the coercion, he rushed over and hugged Shen Xun's arm tightly, and even his accent reappeared: " I don't want it, I don't want it! Daoyou Dao Leave a picture below!"

Shen Xun grabbed his neck and lifted him up from the ground. There was no human warmth in his red eyes: " Where's An An? Hand over An An."

" Master!"

Gu Changcheng fixed Jinguancheng, who was about to rush over to save people, in place with a snap of his fingers, and looked up at Daoist Guangwei who was pinched so hard that he began to roll his eyes. The murderous intent in his eyes was no less than that of Shen Xun: " What the hell is this painting??Where did you take my brother?!"

Guangwei said with difficulty: "That painting... is the magic weapon left by the ancestor, and it is also the place where the masters of each generation received the second inheritance. No one can enter the painting. Fellow Daoist Shen can enter... it should be because he has learned the complete exercises. People, right? The exercises learned by fellow Daoist Shen are the exercises of our Qingyang family. If you come to Qingyang, you can only rely on him to find the complete exercises. I can't possibly harm him. Are you right? No..."

Shen Xun didn't care what he said at all, his eyes were as red as blood, and his palms tightened further:

" I said, return An An to me."

Guangwei Daochang's neck bone made a teeth-stinging creaking sound under the tremendous force, but he had no strength to resist while kicking his hands and feet. At the same time, the entire bamboo building trembled, countless cracks appeared on the walls, the wind outside the house became more violent, the sky was overwhelmed by dark clouds, and the ripples on the mountain protection array became more and more intense. Crash and disintegrate.

This doomsday-like scene frightened the ordinary people in the formation, some screamed and ran away, and some collapsed in the field; almost all Qingyang disciples felt that terrifying power beyond imagination, Looking up at the big formation, I was terrified in my heart.

At this moment, a mobile phone was thrown out of Shen Shi'an's landscape painting.

Shen Xun threw Guangwei away and raised his hand to catch it.

There is only one sentence on the lit screen :

I'm fine, don't worry, just wait for me to come out.

In just twelve words, it was like some kind of incantation that contained supreme magic power and had immediate results. The red light in Shen Xun's eyes faded, and he became clear in an instant.

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