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Chapter 46 _ Chapter 46 _


end of the world, Chen Nan had only one goal: to run faster.

Hurry up, hurry up, get a good ranking, win honorary awards, and strive to enter the national team as soon as possible, so that you can provide yourself and Jiamu with a better life.

end of the world, Chen Nan still has only one goal: to run faster.

Hurry up, hurry up, get rid of the zombies, try to survive, take Jiamu to the capital to see the Forbidden City and the Forbidden City, and fulfill the agreement between them.

But right now, he not only had to run faster to ensure that the zombies could not catch him, but also tried his best to lure the zombies away from Shen Xun as far as possible. It's not a difficult task for him -- if his ankle doesn't hurt.

When collecting crystal nuclei at the rest station a few days ago, Chen Nan's left ankle accidentally hit a concrete pillar and sprained it. At that time, he didn't think it was a big problem, but a piece of skin was green, neither broken nor swollen. Rest After two days it felt like nothing happened. It wasn't until today that he ran and jumped back and forth for a long time to attract zombies, and the hidden wounds lurking under the flesh began to show their ferocity. Less than half an hour after he got off the car, the wound that he didn't care about at the beginning was already swollen nearly two fingers high, and with every step he ran, the pain from the wound became more intense.

As a professional athlete, Chen Nan knows exactly what an ankle injury means, but he can't stop, and he does n't dare to stop: At this time, there are hundreds of zombies trailing behind him, not only ordinary zombies, but also There are nearly a quarter of the mutated zombies, and more zombies continue to gather from the houses, building gaps, intersections and lane corners. Once he stopped or even slowed down a bit, these zombies would swallow him instantly.

The county seat is in the process of renovating the old city, and the road design is very chaotic, not only with many twists and turns, but also with potholes and unevenness everywhere. Chen Nan was unlucky. After breaking into a narrow alleyway, he ran into a section of construction road head-on. The center of the road was tightly blocked by various roadblocks and excavators, and four or five claws were embedded in the cement foundation. The zombie workers can't get through at all.

What was even more terrible was that a group of zombies also appeared from the other side of the road. There were wolves and tigers in front and pursuers behind them. They howled and blocked Chen Nan in the middle of the road, completely unable to advance or retreat.

Hold! Chen Nan cursed, his face turned pale, not only because of the life-and-death dilemma in front of him, but also because of the increasingly painful ankle. Seeing that the two groups of zombies were about to encircle, before he had time to think carefully, he turned around and rushed into a bookstore by the roadside, closing the door with a " bang " as fast as possible.

There are no zombies on the first floor of the bookstore, which is good news. But the door was made of wood and glass, and it rattled under the push of the first wave of zombies, so it was impossible to hold on for too long.

Enduring the pain, Chen Nan hopped on one foot, and dragged two bookshelves tightly behind the door. Most of the books sold in the bookstore are exercise books and reference books. The two rows of bookshelves in the middle are only as high as one person, and the weight is not enough, but they should be able to last for a while. The bookshelf against the wall was tall and heavy, but it was a pity that they were all fixed to the wall with screws. After spending a long time, Chen Nan still couldn't move at all, so he had no choice but to give up.

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