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Chapter 91 _ Chapter 91 _


At four o'clock in the afternoon, the fiery sun was still hanging high above the head, and the heat waves rising from the ground were continuous, and even the vision became distorted.

the roof of a seven-storey commercial building near the Third Ring Road in Shannan City, Liu Fangzhou lay in the shadow of the building and extended the sensing range to the extreme along a line, and moved slowly clockwise, and reported a number again after a while: "Two thousand eight hundred and two."

Shen Shi'an marked this number on the map of Shannan City spread out, and Shen Xun, who was sitting beside him, stretched out his finger and poked the calculator a few times, and read out the result in a childlike voice: " 31372."

radius of the crowd, the total number of zombies was thirty-one thousand three hundred and seventy-two. This included more than 16,000 mutated zombies and a supernatural zombie.

Of course, this number is not the total number of zombies in Shannan City. The area of Shannan City is much larger than the county they passed through before, and Liu Fangzhou's ability can only sense the zombies within two kilometers when scanning in the form of rays. The situation could not cover the entire urban area, so after driving around the city ring road for several times, everyone finally chose the combat base here — it is still some distance from the city center with the highest density of zombies, and the The supernatural zombie happened to be within Liu Fangzhou's sensing range.

Shen Shi'an drew a circle on the map with a red pen, and confirmed the location of the supernatural zombie to Liu Fangzhou again: "Are you sure it's here?"

Liu Fangzhou nodded: "Sure, it is about 1.5 kilometers away from us, and it has not moved so far."

boy 's face was a little pale, not only because he had consumed a lot of abilities, but also because there were so many gray light clusters in the sensing range that there were almost no gaps: since the outbreak of the end of the world, it was the first time he saw so many zombies. If they all rushed over, they would be able to tear themselves into pieces in an instant, right?

driving around before, he roughly estimated that the permanent population of Shannan City was 100,000, and the number of zombies was at least 70,000. The zombie group they have dealt with so far is only in the early 7000s at most, and it is still in the absence of supernatural zombies.

there are supernatural zombies or not, the lethality of the zombie group is very different.

Fortunately, they are not planning to clean up all the zombies in Shannan City.

The seven people sat in a circle around the map in the shadow of the roof. Shen Shi'an repeated the consensus reached during the meeting last night: "Our goal this time is only one, and that is to kill the supernatural zombies. If we can If this goal is achieved, then on this basis, get as many zombie crystal cores and supplies as possible. I set a time limit for this operation of three days. If we can't get rid of the supernatural zombies within three days, then all staff leave immediately. Do you have any questions?"

Everyone shook their heads: " No."

Shen Shi'an looked at Liu Fangzhou: " Fang Zhou, according to your induction results, let me first introduce the situation of the supernatural zombies, the more detailed the better."

" Hey." Liu Fangzhou moved to the middle, picked up a pencil and pointed to the red circle on the map: " There is only one supernatural zombie in Shannan City, and it is within the scope of this circle. From the height, it should be directly connected to the ground. Contact, but I am not sure whether it is outside the building or inside the building. There are about 20,000 zombies around it, half of which are mutated zombies. This mutated zombie is probably very powerful. Its light The clumps are very large and extremely bright."

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