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Chapter 271 _ Chapter 271 _


watching Lin Ruan and Tang Song leave by helicopter, Xu Ge and others did not leave immediately.

A gust of wind blew over the ground that was scorched and chapped by the scorching sun, and there was something inexplicably tragic and bleak.

Xiong Manshan let out a long sigh.

Liu Fangzhou and the others were like cats whose tails were stepped on. They immediately turned their heads and looked at him vigilantly, as if they were facing an enemy.

Xiong Manshan hurriedly covered his mouth with his hands, and made a gesture of zipping his mouth: I will not speak, I promise not to speak.

Chen Nan said: " Everyone go back. The war is still going on, we can't leave for too long."

Originally, I wanted to add another sentence," Lin Ruan and the others will definitely come back safely ", but found that even I couldn't convince myself.

If the captain is here, he must know what to say to boost morale. Chen Nan thought to himself. Then he couldn't help but feel more and more disappointed with himself: Tang Song handed over the temporary command of the sharp blade to him, but can he really take on such a heavy responsibility?

Two hands held his shoulder successively, Xu Ge and Tao Yuan didn't look at him, but their unconditional support and trust were self-evident.

Yun Feiyang is full of energy: " Yes! Go back and kill a few more waves of zombies! The sooner the zombies are wiped out, maybe we can support An'an and the others!"

by these words, cheered each other up and returned to their combat positions. Liu Fangzhou also jumped onto Xiong Manshan's back, wrapped his arms around his neck and waved vigorously with the other: " Let's go, Brother Xiong, let 's continue patrolling the city!"

with other people 's thrilling fighting experience of more than a month, the work of Liu Fangzhou and Xiong Manshan is relatively boring. They patrol and scan the base over and over again, and then report the scan results - Xiong Manshan is unmatched The speed makes this work extremely efficient, and most of the supernatural zombies are targeted by them when they are more than ten kilometers away from the base.

But there are also disadvantages.

That is when Liu Fangzhou discovered that he would " motion sickness ".

Xiong Manshan is a god-man who was able to rely on his own speed when he first met Shen Shi'an and others, and easily left the off-road vehicle with the accelerator pedal to the bottom behind. Later, he went to Beijing twice, and the cumulative effect of " the denser the supernatural beings, the faster the evolution rate " made the supernatural power level increase by a large amount, plus the large number of crystal nuclei absorbed before the start of the decisive battle, to be honest, he No one knows to what extent the current fastest speed can reach.

Under normal circumstances, when Xiong Manshan moves a person for a short distance, the other person will not feel obvious discomfort, because the speed is too fast, and it is over before there is any feeling.

But if the distance is long (Tang Song has done experiments, the limit is about five kilometers), the person being carried will experience dizziness, nausea, and even body pain and other abnormalities — probably as if you were tied to the top of the plane After flying for a while, I felt that I was about to fall apart.

If you are simply being led to run at high speed, it is not impossible to close your eyes and bear it for a while, but Liu Fangzhou must keep his mind clear and active during this process, and scan all the creatures within the coverage of the ability. It's more uncomfortable.

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