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Chapter 186 _ Chapter 186 _


When Tian Yi received the news that all staff had a blood test, he had just finished preparing the lunch dishes in the back kitchen of the cafeteria. After calculating the time, Ye Ping would probably take Yaoyao to leave class. After greeting the other logistics staff and giving some instructions, she took off her apron and hat, and opened her identity bracelet as she walked out to contact her wife. Before the meal, few people went to the laboratory building to have the blood drawn.

Tian Shiyao ran towards Tian Yi from a long distance and threw herself into his arms: " Father!"

" Hey!" Tian Yi smiled and picked up his daughter and kissed her: " How is the class in the morning? Are you tired? Did you make trouble for your mother?" The beard stubble rubbed against Tian Shiyao's small face, itching her giggle.

Tian Shiyao put her arms around his neck and looked at the way they were walking in a strange way: " Dad, aren't we going home?"

" Let's not go back. Didn't there be bugs trying to break into the base last night? The captain said he would give us a physical examination to make sure that all of us are healthy, so that bugs won't dare to come again."

physical examination? Tian Shiyao subconsciously tightened her arms: " Do you want an injection? Dad, I don't want an injection."

" No injection, no injection," Ye Ping patted her on the back: " Just a little blood draw is enough, and soon, we can go home for dinner after the draw, Yaoyao is the bravest no?"

Tian Yi deliberately lowered his voice: "I heard that the bravest little princess will get a piece of chocolate, oh, who is this little princess?"

Tian Shiyao pursed her lips and smiled, resting her head on Tian Yi's shoulder: " I'm very brave."

The interns Cao Shuang and Cui Jinliang were in charge of registering the members for blood drawing. Even though she had said that she would be brave, the pungent smell of disinfectant in the laboratory building, the cold medical equipment, and the white coats worn by the two interns still made Tian Shiyao nervous again, and she hugged Tian Yi's neck unwilling to let go: " Dad, Dad, let's go back..."

Tian Yi put his daughter down: " We will go back after the blood is drawn, don't be afraid, father and mother will show you first, okay, it really doesn't hurt at all."

Cao Shuang and Cui Jinliang drew blood for Tian Yi and his wife respectively. Seeing the slender and sharp needle pierced into their arms, Tian Shiyao stepped back again and again, squatting in the corner and hugging her knees: No, I don't want to draw blood, don't give it to me Draw blood, you can't see me, and no one can see me...

Cao Shuang and the two pulled out the needles one after another, and pressed the wound with a cotton swab: " Okay, press the cotton swab for half a minute to make sure there is no bleeding before throwing it away. I will tell you when the test results come out."

" Hey, okay, thank you."

Tian Yi and his wife waited for a while and threw the cotton swabs into the trash can, then got up and left. When they went out, they happened to pass by Tian Shiyao who was squatting in the corner, but neither of them stopped, let alone turned in Tian Shiyao's direction Taking a look, it seemed that he didn't remember that he had a daughter at all.

Tian Shiyao looked at Cao Shuang and Cui Jinliang who returned to normal work after storing the blood samples, stood up carefully and walked out, and caught up with Tian Yi and his wife more than a hundred meters away from the laboratory building: " Dad, mom!"

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