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New Jersey

The sound of Mariah the Scientist crooned through the wireless speaker. It was soothing and peaceful. The perfect way to get through chores. Even homework. Hell...anything.

Air blew out the woman's nostrils as she looked around her spacious bedroom. She blinked her eyes, not believing how different her room looked.

Everything was gone. She managed to clean her room out. She didn't want to do it, but her mom suggested it. Her furniture was still there, but most miscellaneous items were gone. No lotion, perfume, papers—it was almost like she wouldn't return to stay during the holidays.

Suddenly, she broke away from her thoughts and placed her eyes on her cell phone. The iPhone 13 vibrated and flashed on her dresser. She walked over and swiped the phone up. Immediately, the young woman looked at her caller ID and realized it was her best friend.

She used her manicured thumb to answer the call. As expected, she pressed the speaker icon and connected with her friend.

"Bitch, you better be packing."

Suddenly, a smirk appeared on her face. She looked around her room again until they landed on her suitcases. They were packed and ready to be loaded in the car.

"I'm actually done with my packing. Now, I'm just sweeping the floor."

"Good." Her friend expressed with relief. "I told you to do that shit yesterday."

"Where the fuck you at?"

"I'm on my way to brunch with my mom and grandma."

"Damn, Trinity. I don't get an invite?"

Trinity sucked her teeth and said, "This is a last-minute thing. My mom called me and asked if I wanted to grab some food before getting on the road."

"Aw, man. Must be nice."

"Must be nice?" Trinity reiterated with her eyebrows raised. "I'm sure your mom has something planned for you, Summer."

"Haha, very funny." Summer replied with a sarcastic laugh.

"No, I'm serious. Christie isn't doing anything for you?" Trinity questioned her.

"Girl..." Summer trailed off and shook her head lightly. Her mom didn't have anything planned for them. "I mean...I'm just going off to college. It's not like I'm graduating."

"Yeah, but..." Trinity trailed off. "This is a new milestone for you. She should want to do something with you before you leave for college. You're leaving the state, Summer. Soon, you won't be in Jersey."

What Trinity was saying was true. Summer just didn't see it that way. Her mom was a registered nurse. She worked a lot and didn't have time for Summer. Work has always been a priority in their household.

Christie taught Summer how to be independent at an early age. Summer spent most of her high school years working. She job hopped a lot—the young girl went from fast food restaurants to retail shops. Of course, her mother chastised her for switching careers, but she didn't seem to care.

Now, things were different. Summer was now out of school and holding down a job at Walmart. She paid her bills and was able to save some of her funds. Summer wanted a car, but it wasn't a necessity. She could get around with the help of the train and her best friend, Trinity.

"I'm not worried about it." Summer mumbled after pushing out some air from her nostrils. "I'll call you later. I need to finish cleaning my room."



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