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Everest spent two days reading that book. Well, not two full days, but whenever she had spare time between chores and healing from her brain injury she read.

Murphy kept her company most of the time, finding some way to get the work he was assigned to be with her. Everest enjoyed his company more than ever after not being around him for weeks.

She had been reading by the dropship when a fire erupted in camp. Octavia and Murphy had barely gotten out in time, but all the meat burned.

"This is all your fault!" Murphy shouted, rushing towards some other kid and punching him a few times.

Everest was quick to place her book down and go help Bellamy stop the fight.

"Hey, knock it off! Save it for the grounders!" Bellamy yelled.

"You're still getting better, okay, take it easy," Everest pointed out to the upset boy standing before her.

"That was all the food," Murphy revealed, shaking his head in frustration.

"Clarke and Bellamy will figure something out," Everest spoke confidently, she knew her friends would keep them all alive.

"Come sit at the dropship with me; I can tell about that book," Everest offered, causing Murphy to sigh and nod. He knew he needed to keep his mind clear and peaceful, especially around Everest.

Especially after he killed that boy during the sickness...

"So what exactly is all in this book?" Murphy questioned, still confused at some of the things Everest told him.

"I-It's all about the grounders. Everything they do; traditions, rituals, hunting, weapons, all of it. It teaches their language, too, I think that's what Lincoln meant when he said this book would tell me what he was saying to me," Everest mused, her tone full of excitement and passion.

Despite his hatred for the grounders, it put a smile on Murphy's face to see her so happy about something. It didn't matter what it was.

"So what was this 'Lincoln' guy telling you, then?" Murphy asked curiously.

"I haven't read that far, but I'm over halfway through the book so it has to be coming up," Everest pursed her lips together and looked back down at the pages.

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