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NEW LIFE4x13_______________________________

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Everest, being the only person unable to do any heavy lifting, was left to monitor the computers and let Raven know if anything seems off and to keep time updates.

It was boring, but better than being out there like the others. One of those others being John along with Monty.

Everyone else stayed to run tests on the rocket and get it ready for nine people to fit in a two person pod.

"60 minutes!" Everest shouted.

"Got it!" Raven yelled back as everyone continued working.

A few minutes later Raven shouted again, "Damn it!"

"What's wrong?" Everest yelled as she got up from the computer and wandered over to the rocket where Emori, Harper, and Raven all were. Bellamy and Clarke coming to check as well.

"There isn't enough time. We're pushing too hard," Raven shook her head.

"What's happening?" Everest asked from the bottom of the stairs.

"Computer. Systems check," she commanded.

"Launch system — optimal. Navigation system — optimal. Life-support system — assessing damage. All life-support systems are offline. Landing system — optimal. Communication system — assessing damage. All communication systems are offline."

"Recommend repair options for communication system," Raven demanded.

"Who cares? There no one to talk to anyway," Harper pointed out.

"Quiet," Raven snapped.

"Damage is beyond repair. Total system replacement required."

Everyone went silent for a moment before Bellamy spoke up, "Talk to us, Raven."

"We're not going anywhere," Raven sighed.

Everest gulped and turned back to go sit at the computer. The least she could do to be useful.

"Raven, explain," Bellamy spoke as Raven stormed out of the pod.

"It's simple," Raven began, "there's no power in the ring. Two minutes ago I thought it wasn't a problem because it could activate remotely," Raven explained.

"Over the rockets comm system," Everest chimed in curiously.

"So we turn the power on from the inside," Bellamy suggested.

"We can't get inside, that's the point," Raven revealed, "without power we can't even open the hangar door."

"Come on, Raven, think. You've solved bigger problems than this before," Clarke encouraged.

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