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DRAGHARA, SAPHIRA, GHIDOROH2x06 ____________________________________

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The group returned to Camp Jaha two days later. They arrived just before dark and spent a few hours settling back in.

Finn was speaking with the more important people at the camp about what he did while Clarke drew a map of what she recalled from Mount Weather so they could get in and out safely, Bellamy with her.

But Everest...she felt more out of place than ever.

She received strange looks from the others when she returned at Clarke's side. Her head stayed high, trying to be strong and confident like Elliot and Lexa had been telling her to be, but it was difficult with so many judge mental stares.

Everest's horse was tied to a post nearby and given some water. The girl was quick to grab the basket her dragons were in before anyone else looked inside. She didn't want everyone to know, that would mean more risk to the creatures.

Instead, Murphy told her she could go inside the Ark to keep her dragons out of sight. Everest was grateful for him catching on to her nerves about her babies safety.

"So...that book," Murphy began, pausing as he gained Everest's attention, "everything in there was true?" he questioned.

"Mh-hm," Everest nodded, not sure what to say to the boy she abandoned weeks ago.

"Come on, are you seriously not talking to me?" he asked again after noticing her lack of attention on him.

"I don't have anything to say," the girl shrugged, holding her arm out as her male dragon, Ghidoroh, landed safely and nuzzled closer to her.

"Y-You have fucking dragons, Everest, and this is the one time you have nothing to say?!" Murphy didn't exactly yell, but his voice raised as he tried to get her to open up to him again.

"If you read the book then you know everything you need to know," she replied blandly, still not turning in his direction.

Murphy sighed in frustration, "Look, I don't know what happened to you while you were with the grounders, but if you'd actually talk to me I'll listen," his tone was softer now, gentle as he continued, "please," he begged.

Everest finally looked at him, almost never hearing those words come out of his mouth. That's why she caved.

"I almost died, John. I-I think I did, actually," Everest began, licking her lips briefly, "There are people who don't believe in the legacy of Aurora, —what you read in that book— and they wanted me dead. Someone got close enough and they stabbed me. I-I'm not sure what happens when you die, but after awhile of laying there in my own blood I don't think I blacked out when my eyes shut," she let out a breath.

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