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Everest had practically torn most of her clothes off her body from the heat. Her shirt was in half and her pants were cut off around her knees. The braids that once looked perfect in her striking silver hair had now been knotted and covered in dirt and sweat. It was safe to say she looked and felt like a mess.

"Does any of this look familiar to you?" some guy Everest didn't care to know the name of spoke to Jaha.

"The tent was right over there. I'm sure of it," Thelonious nodded hopefully before walking down the steep sandy hill.

At everyone's hesitation to follow, Murphy stepped up, "What? You guys have anywhere better to be?" he rolled his eyes. Everest smiled, looking down the hill briefly before sitting down, pushing herself slightly so she would slide down.

She even beat Jaha to the bottom.

"I don't see anyone," Everest shouted to the others as they approached the bottom. No sooner were they wandering around a smaller hill where they found what seemed to be an abandoned cart.

Seconds later a person jumped out from the inside of the cart, shouting, "Bak op o I'll frag op yu!" the girl threatened.

"'Stay back or I'll kill you'," Everest mumbled to herself and John, letting him know what the girl said.

"We mean you no harm," Jaha began with his hands up, "do you speak English?" he asked.

"What do you want?!" the girl demanded.

"Nothing," Jaha shook his head, "it looks like you could use a hand. What're you doing out here alone?" he continued with his questions.

The girl put her knife away, removing the covering over her face so she could speak clearly, "My brother and I were on our way to the City of Light when Wastelanders attacked. They took our horse, all our water, everything...They killed him. This cart is all I have left," she sighed.

"Give her some water," Jaha demanded. John was going to offer, trying to be nicer like Everest wanted, but he was stopped by another guy.

"No, no, no. We barely have enough for ourselves here," he spoke, only to have Murphy yank his arm away.

Everest walked over to the girl instead, "Here, it's okay," she gestured for her to take the metal flask full of water. The girl was quick to take a large drink before turning back to Everest.

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