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Everest and John sat in the bunker while everyone waited for news of the conclave. It would come down to Octavia and Luna, Everest was sure of it. She was also sure that Octavia would win. She had Kane advising her.

Everyone else, however, was skeptical. They didn't know whether or not Octavia would win for sure or not, two of those people being Jaha and Clarke.

Bellamy had arrived minutes ago and in those minutes Jaha and Clarke had guards lock the door so no one else could get in.

Pretty much every member of Skaikru was inside except Octavia and Kane.

But then there were the others like Elliot, Indra, and every other grounder Everest loved.

None of them could get in.

Of course, Everest wasn't aware of this plan Clarke and Jaha cooked up. No one was. They kept it a secret because they didn't have faith that Octavia would win. Not faith like Everest had.

The girl sat on the edge of her and John's bed they took up in the bunker. He was kneeled in front of her, rubbing her stomach that had tripled in size, kissing it occasionally as he spoke to their child.

"She's due soon," Everest spoke up.

"I still can't believe this is real," John smiled, wondering, even after all this time, if this was all a dream.

"Well it is. So you better get your ass ready, we're about to be parents," she smirked as John chuckled.

No sooner was the door being opened, Jackson in the doorway.

"Hey Jackson," Everest spoke up while John greeted him with a small smile.

"Hey guys," he began, "Abby wanted me to bring you guys down to the hospital wing to show you something," he let out vaguely, making Everest grow curious and John confused.

"Why?" he asked quickly.

"We found an old ultrasound machine. We figured you'd like to see what your baby's up too in there," he smiled as he saw the excitement in Everest's eyes at the news.

"Really?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, come on," Jackson spoke as he waved his hand towards himself, cooing the couple to the medical wing.

Everest, with John's help, stood up from the bed, following Jackson swiftly.

As the three entered the hospital wing Everest looked around in confusion, "Where's Abby?" she asked curiously.

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