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GROWING PAINS2x07 ____________________________________

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Everest, after coming to a decision that she'd stay with her people until Lexa came and they could talk properly, had been mostly out in the woods with her dragons.

They'd been eating a lot, and they've grown immensely. They were each twice as big as herself and were eating more each day.

She noticed the rapid growth on their way to Mount Weather yesterday after they'd eaten whatever large thing they'd burned.

Now they were doing the same thing every hour. So for the past 32 hours they've consumed enough food to feed a hundred people for a year.

There was definitely no hiding them now.

Everest had just made her way back towards camp when she saw Clarke and Bellamy gathering supplies to leave camp through the back where they wouldn't be spotted.

"Well if this doesn't seem suspicious," Everest spoke up sarcastically, causing Bellamy and Clarke to jump in fear, holding their chests as they scolded the girl.

"You scared the shit out of us, Everest," Bellamy sighed and shook his head, easing his nerves as him and Clarke left through the electrical wire that had been temporarily unarmed.

"You two look like you're about to do something stupid," Everest began to follow the pair, "allow me and my giant dragons to accompany you," she smiled, waiting until they got further into the woods to call her babies.

"Holy shit, you were able to hold them yesterday!" Clarke exclaimed, shocked at their growth.

"I know, they've been eating like anything they can find and growing like crazy," Everest chuckled slightly, sad to see her babies getting bigger but also happy that now she had a better defense.

"Well, at least we won't get killed today," Bellamy noted with a small smirk.

The three made it to the dropship. Everest went inside with Clarke and Bellamy while her dragons flew off to find something else to eat.

Clarke made it up the stairs first, jumping slightly at the sound of groans and shouts.

Everest and Bellamy were quick to follow, the boy reassuring the girls once he was up, "It's okay, he's been restrained," he nodded towards Lincoln who was now thrashing about like an animal.

Everest noticed her friend and how beat up he looked. How...animalistic he seemed. He acted like a savage and she couldn't help but wonder why.

"Can you help him?" Octavia asked, seemingly guilty and stressed at the sight of the man she loves being so vicious.

"I don't know," Clarke spoke, unsure of herself, "I knew Mount Weather controlled the Reapers...I had no idea they were creating them," she added.

"Octavia," Everest spoke up, gaining the exhausted girls' attention, "why don't you come get some fresh air with me. You should see how big my dragons have gotten, you'll love it," she tried to distract the girl.

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